Flood Watch

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The next day had arrived. Shizuku woke up and to her surprise, Toya was already up. He was at the entrance to the cave eating some leftover rabbit, hopefully he saved some for her, which he probably did.

"Good morning," Toya said as soon as he noticed her. " We are going to be moving out, I have a bad feeling about today."

"How so?" Shizuku asked.

"It looks like it's going to rain, hard. I have a feeling it's going to flood we need to get to high ground."

Shizuku got up from the ground and looked up at the sky. It did look slightly grayer then it usually is and the wind was starting to pick up more. Not really good signs.

"Yeah we should get going." Shizuku packed up her things and waited for Toya. Once she was done, they were off. Not even a couple minutes later, it started sprinkling. Toya said to keep moving forward. Then it started raining, and it got harder and harder. Shizuku knew that they weren't going to make it if they kept walking so she ran to a tree and started climbing.

"What are you doing!?" Toya yelled.

"If we keep walking we aren't going to make it, just climb up!" Shizuku shouted back. Toya climbed up the tree and held on to Shizuku as soon as he made it. The water started building up on the ground and it started becoming more and more windy. Shizuku knew staying on a tree branch isn't enough but it was better then to still be walking. The water became more and more rapid, it started hitting the tree Shizuku and Toya were on. Shizuku hasn't noticed she was losing grip on the tree and when she noticed, it was too late. When water crashed onto the tree, Toya accidentally let go of Shizuku and she slipped off the tree. Toya tried saving her but she was to far down. Shizuku hit the water.

She tried her best to swim through the water but the debris was making it harder for her to swim and the water was making it harder for her to breathe. Shizuku thought this might be the end for her but luckily she found a branch from a tree that hasn't been uprooted yet. She swam to the branch to the best of her ability and held on tight, making sure she doesn't fall off again. Shizuku closed her eyes, hoping that this will be over soon.

Shizuku opened her eyes. The water was gone, she could see the ground. She climbed down the tree and started looking around. So much destruction. Shizuku started shivering, she was soaking wet with water.

"SHIZUKU! WHERE ARE YOU?" Toya yelled. Shizuku faintly heard it. She shouted back.



"HOLD ON I'M ON MY WAY" Shizuku replied. She started running. It didn't take long until they found each other again. Shizuku ran to Toya and gave him a big hug. Toya returned the hug. They both stayed there for a minute until Toya broke the hug.

"Have the cannons fired yet? I wasn't paying attention at all, to busy hugging the tree." He asked.

"No, I don't think so, it might've but I also wasn't paying attention, just waiting for the flood to go away." Shizuku answered. Toya sighed and said that they should go back to the cave.

"One problem," Shizuku spoke up. "I forgot the directions back to the cave."

"It's fine we will find a new place to stay. Let's go." Toya said. Just as they started walking, the cannons fired.1 2 3 4. Only four tributes huh? Shizuku thought. She didn't expect the flood to only kill four. Toya and Shizuku were looking around the area to see if there was a cave they can stay in. It may have took three hours and only two unexpected tribute attacks with no causalities surprisingly, but they found a nice cave they could stay in for now. Toya started taking out their supplies while Shizuku was outside looking around to see if anyone was there.

She suddenly started feeling dizzy. She tried to fight it off and focus but, she fell down on her knees. Her ears started ringing, everything was so blurry. The last thing she remembered was Toya calling out her name, then it faded to black.

The next thing she remembers is waking up with Toya right next to her. He had a worried look on his face.

"What happened?" Shizuku asked.

"You passed out. It might've been because you were dehydrated, so I went out to try and find some water since the water in our water bottles were short. Don't worry, I covered you with your sleeping bag before I left so no one would see you." Toya answered while holding her water bottle.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome " Toya replied. He gave her some water.

Shizuku sat up and looked outside, the sun was setting. It was almost time to go the bed, from what happened right now, she just wanted to rest. But first she had to eat. Toya reheated the last of the rabbits and gave it to her. While Shizuku was eating, they showed the tributes that died that day. The boy from 3, the girls from 4, 6, and 8 and the boys from 10 and 11.

"Two more tributes died while I was unconscious?" Shizuku spoke.

"Yeah, when I heard those cannons fire, I got scared because I thought one of them was yours. But you're still alive, that's good." Toya uttered. Shizuku looked at him and her heart started going faster then it did. Why is my heart beating so fast? Shizuku thought to herself. She dismissed it and sprang up, putting her arms behind her back.

"Now then shall we go to sleep?" Shizuku said in a playful manner.

Toya let out a chuckle. "We shall." He stomped out the fire and the both of them went to bed.

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