Inevitable Fate | Angst

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Third Person's P.O.V

The sun shined brightly over Danafor, the birds were chirping and everyone was happy...everything was perfect. Elizabeth of the demon clan was forced to watch her beloved Meliodas die time and time again. She a demon...loving a goddess was taboo, and because of that love they were punished. For 3000 long years she stayed by his side, waiting for the day their curses would finally break and set them free. "Elizabeth! Hurry up already!!" Meliodas huffed, his green emerald eyes sparkled in the sunlight as his red hair seemed to highlight his features. "I'm coming~" Elizabeth smiled as she jogged over to her lover, ignoring the annoyed look in his eyes. "Because of you we're always late!" Meliodas huffed, his hands against his waist as he began to pout at the silverette. "Wandle gets us late too!" Elizabeth hummed as she burst out laughing at the looks her lover made...perfect. "He rarely even comes along, you on the other hand-!" Meliodas blushed as she held him from behind, softly caressing his chest despite being in public. "D-Don't do that in public!!" Meliodas elbowed his lover away as his face grew even more red, his heart raced hearing her angelic laughter. "You know I love you~" Elizabeth teased, smiling at the red head with love in her eyes, taking his hand in hers as they made their way to the training grounds.

𝘾𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙖𝙞𝙣 𝙬𝙖𝙠𝙚 𝙪𝙥!!

Elizabeth's eyes widened as she stood in front of Meliodas...a gaping hole in his chest as blood dripped out of his mouth. "I'm the end, I-I couldn't save you!" She fell to her knees, holding back her tears as best she could...however her resistance was futile. "Save your tears...we'll meet...again." Meliodas whispered, smiling weakly as he took his last breath in front of the one he loves. "No...please. Not yet...Meliodas, please!" Elizabeth begged, slowly walking towards his body with tears flowing freely down her face.


Elizabeth screamed as she tightened her grip on his body, her demonic energy flowing out. Her pain was overwhelming, making it hard to breathe...all she wanted- "Give him back to me...give me back Meliodas!!" Elizabeth screamed to the sky, hoping the Demon King and Supreme Deity could hear her words, her demonic power so strong...destroying all of Danafor.

𝙈𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙤𝙙𝙖𝙨 𝙣𝙚𝙚𝙙𝙨 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙘𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙖𝙞𝙣! 𝙎𝙣𝙖𝙥 𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙤𝙛 𝙞𝙩 𝙖𝙡𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙮...!!

Elizabeth gasped as she opened her eyes, waking up in bed...with Meliodas still sleeping beside her. "Was it...just a dream?" She whispered to herself, feeling relieved to see her beloved sleeping soundly beside her. "Mel..." Elizabeth smiled as she began moved closer to Meliodas, wrapping her arms around him.

"What do we do Ban...? At this rate the captain won't wake up!" Diane shouted, watching as Elizabeth began to smile despite being in a trance...the more pain she feels, her soul would be destroyed. "Lady Zaneri please stop this! Elizabeth did nothing wrong...!!" Meliodas shouted at the druid, his eyes filled with worry seeing the state Elizabeth was in...why wasn't she waking up? "It doesn't matter...okay? Elizabeth needs to die! She's responsible for taking away someone I love!!" Zaneri after all these years still loved Meliodas, even knowing of his curse...she loved him. For his suffering...she blamed Elizabeth. "Lady Zaneri..." Meliodas whispered, understanding the pain from losing a loved one, however no matter what happened it still didn't change the fact that was Zaneri was wrong. "You're so damn lucky we can't kill you right now!" Ban hissed, every sin tried reasoning with the druid...but not much luck. "Zaneri c'mon, this is ridiculous! You know full well that Elizabeth didn't want this to happen!!" Jenna shouted at her sister, disappointment and anger filling up her heart. "But...!" Zaneri looked over at Elizabeth, noticing she began to scream again...being forced to watch her lover die over and over again.

Elizabeth cried as she held Meliodas' dead body in her arms, feeling as if she failed him all over again. "Meliodas..." She whispered, tightening her hold on him as she unleashed her demonic energy...destroying all of Danafor once again.

"Lady Zaneri, listen..."

Elizabeth giggled as she pulled her lover into a kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck. Meliodas smiling as he held her close, deepening their kiss.

"Elizabeth isn't who you think she is!"

Elizabeth smiled as she held hands with the red head, looking at the beautiful scenery from the outskirts of Danafor.

" someone who would risk her life for others. Someone...who you could count on!"

Walking towards the crowd Elizabeth caught sight of the one she desperately wanted to see again; Meliodas. Saving him from being executed...despite the backlash. "Don't do anything to hurt him okay? If so...then that makes you all my enemy~!" Elizabeth smiled cheerfully, ignoring the angry stares from her fellow knights as she untied the red head.

"Elizabeth saved me when I needed her! She never left my don't you see? Lady Zaneri, even if you hate Elizabeth...she would come to your rescue without a second thought!" Meliodas shouted with determination in his eyes, walking closer to the druid without hesitation or fear. "Meliodas..." Zaneri whispered as she fell to her knees, tears beginning to fall from her eyes. Meliodas began to smile, reaching her hand out to her with kind eyes. "It's not too late to do the right thing Lady please, make things right. Free Elizabeth...!"

Elizabeth witnessed her beloved die once again for the 106th time, rain hiding her tears. "How can I keep doing this...? I don't want to repeat it!" Not only did she witness Meliodas die, she watched her partner Wandle die as well. No one left alive...but her. "I won't let you die again matter what!" Elizabeth gasped as she awoke from her nightmare, tears dripping down her cheeks as she looked at Meliodas, Zaneri, Jenna, and all of the Seven Deadly Sins. She was back! "Elizabeth...!!" Meliodas ran towards the silverette, jumping into her arms as he cried tears of joy. Quickly wiping away her tears she began to laugh, wrapping her arms around him. "Don't cry Meliodas~ I'm here now aren't I?" Elizabeth smiled as she gently rubbed his head, easing the blonde prince. "Elizabeth I..." Letting go of Meliodas she looked to the side, seeing Zaneri with a guilty look on her face. "I'm sorry...I just, I really loved him y'know? He was my first love...and now he's gone. I thought that...if I could make you suffer it would make the pain go away. Meliodas showed me...that it was okay to be angry, and that I'm not the only one who suffered. So...I intend to make up for my sin, I did something a druid should never do. I abused my powers for my own personal gain! I lost the be in such a holy place." Zaneri was finally able to tell the demon her true feelings, even if it was hard to do. "I forgive you~ Everyone makes mistakes~! Sometimes people do things that can't be forgiven, others ot will take them years before they can ever forgive someone. Even if you misused your power, doesn't that mean you have to just keep training~?" Elizabeth smiled cheerfully, feeling no hatred toward the druid for what she did to her...all she felt was sympathy. "Thank you...Elizabeth." Zaneri spoke softly as tears began to fall from her eyes once more, grateful she didn't hate her...grateful to Meliodas for being able to finally understand Elizabeth. She and her...they are alot alike.

Dedicated To: sofiewrites19

Hope you all enjoyed this oneshot! Tbh the idea just came to me, I wanna start updating on here more. I hope people still read my stories, I missed you all! And tysm to sofiewrites19 for giving me the motivation to write again, you truly are an amazing friend and ily! 🥺💞

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