a pastel pink epilogue

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Plump lips kissing his jaw woke Yoongi up from his deep slumber.

He was sure it was at least midday, because it was already hot inside the room and because they had gone to bed really late after a long day, but they had fallen asleep even later after Jimin had sneaked a hand under Yoongi's sleeping shirt once they had settled under the covers... so, yes, there was no way in the world they had woken up before midday.

It was sunday though, so Yoongi didn't think too much about what time it was as Jimin's kisses trailed down his neck.

Less than a month ago, after sleeping for weeks in whichever bedroom they happened to fall asleep in, they had decided to transform Jimin's room into their own, because it was larger than Yoongi's and the window had a better view of the city. To make it a comfortable space for them as boyfriends, though, given that it was still too small to be a double bedroom, they had had to rearrange the disposition of their objects and of their furniture in the house.

Unfortunately, the process was being way more difficult than what they had imagined.

Yoongi's room had become their study/walk-in-closet/storage room and, honestly, it was a mess. They spent every second of their free time trying to find the right place for everything or throwing away what they didn't need, but they were struggling a lot because their small apartment was made for two college roommates, and not for two best friends who were now in love, who had a lot of things they needed to store somewhere and were also really busy.

They knew they should have probably started thinking of moving out and finding a house that was more fitting for them and their new relationship now, but they were still too attached to their place and, in the meantime, both broke students. Therefore, for now, they were stuck in their loved, pastel apartment.

They were adapting, though, arranging things where they found space and making their new (old) room as cozy as they could.

Jimin made it a bit less bright pink but still all pastel, of course, including the sheets for their double bed and the colours of the walls.

The memories they had inside that house were what made them more attached to it than everything else, they knew that very well, and Yoongi's mother had tried to convince them a million times that a new house would have been better for them, but for now, this was okay. There was time to change, anyway, and they liked how their house was taking shape.

Yoongi liked it a lot.

What he liked best were mornings like this, though, where Jimin would be lying by his side with barely nothing more than his own shirt on and his hands holding Yoongi's. When he opened his eyes and his lips were already grazing his skin or his pink hair tickled his shoulder.

The first times Yoongi had experienced waking up with a half naked Jimin by his side he had felt incredibly blessed, his cheeks in flames and his smile so big on his face when the boy had curled up more against his body. However, he was sure he would have never felt less than pure happiness from the sight, even after years.

They had slept together a million times even before getting together, but this... this was really different.

That morning, when Yoongi opened his eyes and looked down at Jimin's bare legs, he couldn't help but sigh in pure joy and awe.

"God, I love you so much" he mumbled, throwing his head back against the pillow. He heard Jimin's laughter as he crawled on top of him and grinned.

"I love you too, hyungie. Good morning to you"

There they were, the heavenly words Yoongi loved hearing so much.

The boy leaned down to kiss the elder and Yoongi let himself get lost in the slide of their lips. His hands settled on Jimin's naked waist and that made him squirm.

"Don't you even think of tickling me, you devil. I'm tired and I need cuddles, no tickling. Tickling is bad"

That was Yoongi's turn to laugh now and he immediately tightened his grip around Jimin's middle.

"I'm innocent, your honor" he joked, kissing Jimin's adam's apple.

"You are never innocent, kitten..."

During the last two months spent as Jimin's boyfriend he had discovered how difficult it was to be his partner... the first week Yoongi thought he would have gone crazy from how insatiable Jimin made him of his kisses, of his touches, of the low breaths he made...

Jimin was his dream and, as Yoongi had discovered, living a dream is truly mind-blowing.

As typical of him, he was scared to not live up to Jimin's expectations at first, but the younger never got tired of reminding him of how much he cared for him, of how perfect he was for him.

Yoongi did the same for Jimin whenever he felt down, and he hugged him a lot, to remind him of the angel he was.

They didn't change much from that point of view, they only got better, happier, closer...

"Hyung?" Jimin whispered at some point, right beside Yoongi's ear.


"I've never been happier in my entire life. Thank you for being my happiness"

The elder couldn't help but smile once again and look up at the love of his life.

"Thank you for being my beautiful, warm, pastel pink reality"

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