23. The Forest's Ghost

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     "What am I supposed to do?" Webpaw hissed. He paced back and forth, ignoring the sounds of the crickets and the hoot of a distant owl that would normally intrigue him. His tail lashed from side to side, and his steps were heavy. He stopped and turned to swipe at a tree's thick trunk, but he froze.

     Sitting in front of the tree was a shimmering apparition, whose eyes shined bright with worry and astonishment.

     "You've changed a lot.." she whispered, and Webpaw stumbled back and tripped, falling over the root of the tree. He hit the earth with a thud and groaned, curling into a ball and burying his face into his fur. It had to be another mirage! Another illusion and trick of the mind!

     "Cobweb.." mewed the she-cat, and Webpaw shivered at the cold touch of the spirit as she nudged his shoulder.

     "Rose.. Is.. That really you?" he questioned, not daring to look up at what he thought could be his sister. He felt the cold touch again. "Of course.." she answered.

     Webpaw slowly lifted his head and locked gazes with his translucent, blue-eyed sister. He felt his heart shatter into his pieces, and he could no longer fight the tears that began to poke at the corner of his eye. They rolled down, almost endlessly, and he buried his face into his tail as he curled back around.

     "What's wrong?" Rose asked her brother, and Webpaw choked back his answer. He felt embarrassed by his kit-like behavior and hated the idea of even attempting to speak. He trembled for several moments before giving an answer.

     "I.. I missed you-"

     Images of the dogs and the blood flashed through his mind, and he clenched his teeth, shaking his head and suppressing a wail. Moons had passed since the attack had occurred, but the memory was still fresh.

     "I missed you too," he heard, and he sniffled and looked back up at the ghost of his sibling. "Really?" he mewled, sounding like a frightened kit. "Even after I.. After I left you? After I ran?" Never had he felt so horrible for running. Never had he been so afraid to face his sister.

     The she-cat purred softly and nodded. "Of course," she told him, hoping to reassure the troubled and guilty tom. "You had to save yourself. Mother would have wanted that." Webpaw blinked the tears from his eye and then closed it, fighting back a whimper. "Violet is ignoring me.. In StarClan," he whispered, almost inaudible, and he exhaled loudly. He could feel warmth from the rising sun as it hit his back, peering through the bare branches above. And he knew, against his wishes, that he had to return to the camp.

     He slowly got to his paws, and he turned his attention to his shimmering sister. She flashed a light smile, and he returned a weak one of his own. "I have to go.." he said in such a low volume that he could barely be heard. "Will I.. See you again?"

     Rose nodded. "Of course. On a day, when it's sunny and bright, we'll meet again. I'm not going anywhere," she said with a light heart. "I am the ghost of this part of the forest, after all."

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