A family reunion on Rainbow Road! Koopa Troopa Kart Ambush!

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After the fight, the Mario Brothers had some ice packs for their bruises thanks to Jasmine Kong and Princess Peach.

Jasmine Kong: That was insane! *Hugs Damien Kong on the arm*

Damien Kong: Heh, it was nothing.

Princess Peach: That was incredible! He kept beating you senseless, and you both kept getting back up? You just don't know when to quit!

Mario: Huh... Well, never thought of that as good thing.

Princess Peach: It's a great thing.

Damien Kong: We appreciate it. Really, we-.

Donkey Kong: *Kicks the door open* I let them win, just for the record.

Mairo: Really, though? Why would you do that?

Donkey Kong: You want to know why? It's mind your own business, that's why! *Throws a barrel at the brothers.

Damien Kong: Hey!

Mario: *Walks up to Donkey Kong ready to fight* All right, giant monkey!

Right before they were about to fight, Damien Kong slams his hands to the ground to get their attention

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Right before they were about to fight, Damien Kong slams his hands to the ground to get their attention.

Damien Kong: Now it's not the time to fight! You both acting like children!

Cranky Kong then appears in the scene alongside his guards and the rest of the Kongs.

Cranky Kong: At least someone has some senses. You reminded me of my son before he was gone from the Kremling Attack and he- *Realizes that Damien is right here and alive*

Damien Kong: He what?

Cranky Kong: He came back home. *Walks up to Damien Kong and looks at him which shows his vison of him as a child and now as an adult* Son...

Mario and Damien Kong: Wha?

Donkey Kong: Yeah, wha?

Jasmine Kong: Your father didn't tell you this, but Damien Kong is your lost twin brother, DK.

Donkey Kong: Then that would mean that he's...

Cranky Kong: Yes. Your brother, my son, is home. 

Damien Kong: *Realize who Cranky Kong and Donkey Kong is* Dad? and Bro? *The two Kongs nodded their heads* Dad and bro, Dad and bro, Dad and bro!

Cranky Kong: Yes! YES!

Damien Kong: Dad and bro! *Starts to cry a little bit and hugs Donkey Kong and Cranky Kong* I GOT MY FAMILY!

Donkey Kong: Twin Bro! *Hugs him back*

Cranky Kong: My son! *Lifts up Damien Kong's arm up in the air* My son is home!

All the Kongs started to cheer for the King's lost son has been found and started to celebrate with a feast with music playing. 

Damien Kong: Wow.

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