Chapter 9

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Just saying, i may not upload for a week or so since i'll be on vacation as of today :) last upload, here you go!

Micaela :)

P.s. Keep reading! I have over 100 reads which is incredible!! Thankyou!!! :D


"Why'd you let him go?"

I look up startled. Claire is sitting up in the bed, her knees drawn up, just like Niall's were. She has the blanket clutched in her hands and she's looking at me solemly with giant eyes that at the moment, are blue.

I sniffle and try to regain my composure.

"He's sort of done this before. He needs to understand it's not ok," I say, not able to look at her directly.

Claire thinks for a few minutes. I start to fidget.

"He needs you though," she says looking at me quizzically.

I sigh angrily and massage my head through my curls.

"Ya, but he did this to himself! It makes me so angry when he does this. How can someone feel that way about themselves?!" I say exasperated.

"It's quite simple actually. They think about it. They hide it all behind an outer shell of sarcasm and happiness, or, sometimes they try to compensate for their lack of a relationship with a string of one night stands. Which in the end makes you and your partner feel even worse. Between being insecure, being consumed by self loathing, and not being able to feel secure to tell anyone about it, they end up like Niall," she says looking into my eyes.

I flick my eyes away, unable to meet her gaze. I feel like she was directing the one night stand comment at me.

"They feel like they have to do it all alone because they're emberassed to talk about it. So they resort to that method of 'solving' their problems. Now is when your friend needs you most," she says getting up and stretching lazily.

"And you know so much about this how?" I ask her sardonically.

She gives me a small smile. A sad one.

"I've had my fair share," she says, walking into the bathroom and closing the door.

I sit there for a minute mulling over what I'd heard. And trying to think about what she meant by her last comment.

Finally, I get up and bang on the door to the bathroom.

Claire pokes her head out.

"Yes?" she says, raising an eyebrow. She knows what she said hit home, and that she was right. Damn her.

"Well are you coming or not, since I have to drive you home anyway," I say, gruffly.

She smirks.

"One second," she says, closing the door again.

I sigh and kick some loose articles around on my floor. I glance at my alarm clock. 4:30.

I pace around my room until Claire comes out of the bathroom. Her hair is wavy and the clothes I gave her look slightly rumpled.

"I don't have shoes, and I'll return these to you as soon as I can wash them.." she says, indicating the borrowed clothes.

I wave away her offer.

"You keep them. I'll give you a pair of slippers downstairs," I say, hurrying out of the room.

She follows me into the front hall. My mum doesn't come hom until late at night. Convenient.

I go into the closet and rummage around in the clutter of jackets and shoes. I pull out a pair of adidas sandals and throw them to the ground.

"They'll be big," I say, as she slips them on.

She shrugs and opens the door.

I snatch my keys up off of the table near the door and pull the door shut behind me.

I quickly lock it and I bound down my front steps and run to my car which is parked on the street. Claire is standing by the passenger door expectantly. I unlock the doors and duck into the car, fitting my tall frame into the tiny compartment.

Claire slides in beside me gracefully. She sits beside me in the passenger seat and stares straight ahead.

I start the car and speed to Niall's house.

We get there in seven minutes and when I pull up to his house and park the car, I hesitate.

Claire looks at me.

"Well?" she says.

"I'm nervous," I blurt out. I feel my cheeks heating up.

She rests her hand on mine and I tremble slightly at her soft touch.

"You'll be fine. Just go in there and apologize. Say what's on your mind. Tell him you're there for him. Tell him that he means alot to you amd that you're scared for him," she says with a coaxing tone.

I nod, reassuring myself. Except now I really don't want to leave the car when Clair is touching me. I can't think straight.

I steele myself anyway. I take a deep breath and get out of the car. I can still feel the warm area, tingling with excitement on my hand where Claire had touched me.

I slowly walk up the wooden steps to the front door, resounding creaks ringing in my ears. Then I stand in front of the door. A door. What was I supposed to do now? I bite my lip. Ah yes. Knock. That's what's supposed to happen at a closed door.

I'm so nervous that my hands are shaking. Or maybe that's still the effect of Claire's touch. I shake my head. I need to focus.

I rap on the door with my knuckles.

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