2. fortunate betrayal 🤍❤️✨

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Little: Jisung  (age range 3-5)

Caregiver: Hyunjin, with babysitter! Minho

   Seungmin, who had been high school's resident popular rich boy, was having a huge, almost-frat-type party for his birthday this year, and since Jisung and Hyunjin sort-of knew him since they'd had classes with him back then, they were invited. And one of them was very excited about it.

   While Hyunjin picked out his outfit (two days in advance), Jisung had sat on Hyunjin's bed, watching because he found it amusing. Hyunjin emerged from the closet all dressed up and asked for Jisung's opinion.

   "Think I can pull some girls with this on?" Hyunjin gave a little, goofy smile, because he wasn't actually the type to say something like that seriously.

   "Girls?" Jisung had laughed. "Honestly I thought you were just dressing up to get Seungmin's attention." (And Hyunjin had flushed bright red.)

   Hyunjin had been waiting to go to the party for weeks, and he'd even managed to get his socially anxious college roommate to agree to go with him. That's why it was so disappointing when, on the day of the party, Jisung came back to the apartment after his last class and looked to be absolutely wiped— far too much to be going out anywhere, which was already exhausting for him in itself.

   But, maybe if he had a nap, he'd be alright before the party.

   After mumbling a short, quiet 'hello' to Hyunjin when he first got in, Jisung had closed himself into his room and hadn't come out since. There was no sign of him, up until Hyunjin needed to start getting ready.

   Hyunjin knocked very softly on his roommate's door, just in case he really was having a nap. He heard a faint hum come from the other side of the door, so he opened it, and saw Jisung slowly rise from his bed and waddle, in a sleepy sort of way, toward him. He leaned forward once he was in front of Hyunjin, letting the older boy's shoulder catch him, and his arms secure him while he went limp.

   Jisung was little.

   "You're small?"

   Jisung hummed again, affirmingly, but he sounded a bit whiny as he did.

   There was no way he was going to that party.

   Hyunjin sighed into Jisung's hair. He still wanted to go, even if it would be less fun since Jisung wouldn't go, but he didn't want to just leave the poor boy like this.

   Whether he was just criminally tired, overwhelmingly stressed, coming down with something or all three at once, Jisung was already not feeling good before he slipped and though he used to take care of himself exclusively when he regressed, he was out of practice since he hadn't needed to since Hyunjin became his caregiver. And Hyunjin felt really, really bad about the thought of leaving him alone in his current state. Still, he really, really wanted to go...

   Hyunjin scooped Jisung up into his arms (maybe with a bit of difficulty— he hadn't been to the gym in a bit, okay?) and sat him down on his lap on the end of his perpetually unkempt bed. "...Sungie, how old are you feeling?"

   Jisung shrugged, rubbing at his tired eyes with a sweater paw. That had to mean he was quite little.

   Around the time that Hyunjin finished rocking his little to sleep (which didn't take long: he was exhausted, still), an idea crossed his mind.

   "Please don't hate me for this," Hyunjin whispered at sleeping Jisung. Performing a complicated maneuver to get his phone out of his pocket without waking the little on his lap, Hyunjin prepared to spam his friend with a flurry of messages typed with one hand.

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