4. tick-bitten fairy 🤍❤️✨

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Little: Hyunjin   (age range: 7-2)

Caregivers: SKZ (lots of hyunho and hyunchan)

   College boys gone away for the summer is what they were. All living together in a cottage that used to belong to Chan's grandmother. That was because it was summer break and they were all ready for some adventure, and as they wanted to have their adventures together, it was most convenient for them to live all in one place for a few months. They'd go to the beach or to amusement parks (where one specific person would throw up into another's lap mistakenly while screaming his throat out on a roller coaster); they'd go white water rafting or they'd just go into the woods and build wooden forts to camp in.

    The cottage was the perfect place for Hyunjin to live: the property included several acres of green, wildflower-dotted fields and alluring, explorable woods, and Hyunjin loved to play outside, in little space or not. He was enchanted by the forest, and the forest seemed to be enchanted by him as well.

   Today, he was in little space, and even though it was deadly hot, he was out traipsing through the woods, picking wildflowers and weeds and pretending to make soup for the animals that lived there, just like his Min hyungie, the cottage's resident culinary arts student, would make soup for all of his friends, especially on sweltering days like this.

   Being that his little space age tended to be on the older side, his housemates and caregivers weren't worried about him going off into the woods on his own, provided that he didn't go too far and that he came back for lunch and/or dinner. Sometimes that meant one of the boys had to go strolling down the paths for a little while to find him, but because he was well-behaved and a good listener that followed the rules and stayed fairly close to the cottage while he played, and because no one really minded going for a quick walk with that beautiful scenery surrounding them, it was no big deal.

   Today, it was Minho that came to collect him in the late afternoon.

   A loud call of, "Hyun?" piercing the near-silence of the woods, was what got Hyunjin's attention away from the bowl of "soup" (which was really just watery muck with dandelions and torn up leaves dispersed throughout it) he'd been stirring up and thinking of giving to the squirrel that had been curiously peering at him from a safe distance, up in a tree.

   "'m here, hyung!" Hyunjin replied, just as loud, but with a bit more excitement and childish glee.

   Minho stepped through the brush and gave a little smile, shaking the dirt out of his flip flop as he asked, "Whatcha doin'?"

    "Making soup!"

    Minho's cheeks hiked up a little higher and he crouched by Hyunjin's bowl of mud. "Looks great, bub. But how about you come in and have some water? It's super hot today."

   "Okie dokie." Hyunjin set down his spoon (which was really a long, smooth stick that had been weathered nicely so that it wasn't too rough to handle comfortably), and told the squirrel that he should try a spoonful or two as he rose to follow his hyung out of the woods. "Hyungie, can I get on your back?" he requested, cheerfully.

   Minho took one look at him, mud-covered as he was, and promptly, cheekily said, "Nope!"


   Hyunjin sat on the wooden living room floor, a stick of frozen juice (that Minho had given him, because he asked very nicely and promised not to make a mess) hanging out of his mouth as he sucked the sweetness out of it. Minho had told him that if he didn't want to get cleaned up yet, he was allowed to stay inside only if he stayed off the furniture.

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