5. call me baby🤍❤️✨

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despite the title, this is stray kids (not exo)

Little: Minho (age range 1-6)

Caregiver: Chan, with concerned boyfriend! Jisung

   "You know, I think he'd like it if you babied him a little here and there," Chan suggested.

   "What, Minho? Nahhhh, he'd totally be ticked off by that. He's not the type to go for that... He rolls his eyes at anything too lovey-dovey. He hardly even lets me call him 'babe'." Jisung shook his head.


   Lee Minho was popular. Everyone on campus knew him for being hot, tough, and quiet, but charming. He had the general look of what you might call a 'bad boy' (you know, the type that rides a motorcycle and wears a leather jacket and mouths off to teachers with his feet propped up on his desk— except, spoiler! Minho didn't do any of that), and that little, smirky grin that made him seem, at first glance, like a player.

   Han Jisung was popular, too. Everyone knew him for being hot, cute, and animated, but all around, quite a catch, so it seemed no wonder that he'd end up underneath the arm of Lee Minho. And that he did. He was blessed with the privilege of having Minho's arm wrapped around him most everywhere he went, and often times he found himself sitting in Minho's lap, sometimes in class. They were dating since a month after classes started.

   Bang Chan was... just a guy. He blended into the background, because he was always too busy with his own stuff to be much a stand-out character around college, but he did have one call to 'fame' (rather, campus popularity), and that was the fact that he was friends with Minho.

   ...Well, in a way, he was kind of more than just friends with Minho, but not in the way you'd think. See, Chan had known since high school that Minho was a little, and for that whole time he'd been Minho's caregiver. It'd been... like two years at this point.

    Chan was happy for Minho when he announced that he was dating Jisung (especially Jisung, because Chan was friends with him, too, and knew he was a nice kid that would probably be good for Minho), but it came with a twinge of pain that struck his chest faintly. No way was he jealous— he and Minho really were just friends (in the typical sense of the phrase), but naturally, he assumed that Minho would want his new boyfriend to be his caregiver... which meant he'd probably be seeing a lot less of cry-your-eyes-out-adorable Little Minho, who he'd very much gotten used to and grown very fond of over the past two years. That was the only disturbing part of it for Chan.

    However, things didn't go like Chan assumed they would. Nothing changed, except that Chan had been essentially helping Minho sneak around behind his boyfriend's back for the past two or three months to cover up his secret, 'cause yeah, 'hot', 'tough', 'bad boy' Lee Minho was too afraid to show his boyfriend this side of him. This was actually sometimes more disturbing for Chan than the thought of just not seeing Little Minho at all because he had a new caregiver.

    Despite the unease it put him in, Chan was currently doing literally just that.

   "Hyung, I'm so nervous about tomorrow— like, what if I slip and then have to call off the date early— or what if I slip and DON'T call it off?? Oh, heck— I—" Minho's panicked voice rang through the speaker of his phone as Chan pressed his lips together to hold in a wearied groan. If only Minho would listen to him and take his darn advice, they wouldn't be in this situation.

    The situation: Minho and Jisung made plans to go to the school's huge fall festival together this weekend (which would now be tomorrow afternoon) as a date, and after a nasty week of heavy, difficult classwork, Minho had reached his little-space-surpressing-limit and his stress was now through the roof, which would make spending the day out with Jisung quite a risk, if he wanted to keep his secret safe (and he very much did).  The fact that he now was worrying about slipping unwillingly while he was out with Jisung was pure irony, because it made him a good five times more likely to actually slip. Plus, there were likely going to be booths with plushies and toys and sweets at the festival that would make it so tempting for Minho to give in and let his little side take over.

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