3. i can handle it💖💙 💎

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request from @SandieMandie_7 :] (sorry, i'm not so good at writing angst :'( it's hard for me to combine little space and angst especially... so it's really not that angsty. lol)

Little: Chan (or dino, it feels weird for me to call someone chan that isn't bang chan lol) (age range 1-3)

Caregivers: Seungcheol, Jeonghan

   It was hot in the practice room. The air itself felt sticky and thick and that was because the air conditioning had broken at just the right time to make an already high-stress time a nightmare.

  Just stretching was enough to get Chan breaking out in a sweat, and his water bottle was already half empty before Seungcheol called out his words of encouragement that were meant to get them all motivated and ready to push through at least half a day of dancing.

    "Alright, this should be our last day of dance practice before the comeback, so let's work hard!"

   Today just wasn't the day for this.

   It was uncomfortable (but still doable) when the music was slowed down, and he could take his time and try to stumble through each section of choreography that felt worryingly unsolidified in his mind. But when the music was set to its normal speed and Chan was expected to move quickly, he had to fight to recall what came next through hazy, slippery feeling memories to, and he had to fight to swim through the muggy air and get his body where it needed to go, neither of which were easy, due to his pounding headache.

   The humidity wasn't the only thing making the air feel heavy. There was the sense that something was about to happen. It was really no wonder that something would happen, when thirteen stressed, sweating, and overheating guys were stuck in a room unprotected from the intense early summer air together.

    Chan knew, when the music cut off, that he was meant to be listening to the choreographer, who was explaining the next eight-count, but it was just so much harder to focus on that rather than the throbbing of his head.

   The squeaking of the shoes on the wooden floor stopped for a minute as the choreographer walked away to change the speed of the music again, so it was, thankfully, all quiet. Until he suddenly heard a, "Hey, Dino."

    A hand waved in front of Chan's unfocused eyes until he looked up. "You're spaced out again. You alright?" Hoshi asked.

    He nodded. He knew this was going to happen eventually, though he wished it wouldn't. A few of the others had been sending him worried looks, but he'd brushed them all off. He could do this, just like the rest of them could.

   "You can stop for a little while, y'know. We're pressed for time, yeah, but you're not focusing that well today. I think you might need a break."

    Chan shook his head. "I'm alright. I'll pay more attention."

   Hoshi, and the next closest person, who happened to be Seungcheol, shared a doubting glance.

   While Hoshi just shrugged and went off to get a swig of water, Seungcheol sighed and raked a hand through his hair in a way that made it seem as if he were preparing to be frustrated. Or maybe he already was frustrated. Maybe everyone in this room was frustrated. Hot, sticky, and frustrated.

    Seungcheol pulled Chan aside, to a less-populated corner of the mirror-covered room, where they wouldn't be heard, if they kept their voices down. Chan was already huffing out an irritated  sigh, because he had a feeling he knew exactly what Seungcheol was going to say. And he wasn't going to like it.

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