Revenge for the lost

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Thanks for reading guys we finally broke 100 reads overall small but meaningful victory thank you.
TW: rape,kidnapping,SA,child abuse,alcohol

Yelena landed on the floor gracefully catching Kate who was noticeably less graceful. Widows jumped out of the van one Yelena recognised.
"Ali?" She called out but a fight broke out Kate trying not to kill any widows but hurt them enough they'd give up. She felt a sharp pain in her neck as a widow pushed a needle in her neck her eyes started closing and her legs gave in
"Kate?!!" Yelena yelled running over to Kate as she hit the floor only to feel a needle get stabbed into her to neck she fell next to Kate as Ali stood over her.
"ты слаб" ("you are weak") Ali said as she too went unconscious.

(Bent means flashback normal means normal)
Kate's arm stung as she felt the knife strike her she didn't dare meet her mother's eyes knowing the risk of doing so instead the 11 year old opted to be defeated ultimately the safer option when it came to her mother especially when she was drunk. Her mother left the knife in Kate's arm knowing how much more painful it would be for her to have to pull it out before leaving the house to go to a bar. Kate was no stranger to being left alone instead she grabbed a tea towel placing it on her shoulder she bit her cheek counting down in her head "1 2 3" she pulled the knife out allowing her self a pain filled groan as she held the tea towel up to it she knew that it required medical attention unable to give it she just taped the tea towel round her unnaturally skinny arm then tied off he her shoulder to stop the bleeding. She felt a shock for a moment she heard Yelena but broke back to the memory.

Another shock came this one so painful it jolted her from her unconscious state
"Kate! Stop hurting her now" she heard Yelena yelling and presumed they were tied back to back cause she felt struggle from where the two chairs connected she let out a grimace of pain as they shocked her more.
"STOP LEAVE HER NOW!" Yelena demanded Kate could hear the tears of frustration in her voice.
"moya lyubov" she managed letting Yelena know she was there she felt Yelenas hand touch hairs and grasped it tightly.
"Love makes you weak" came an unknown voice as the speaker stepped into the room to the confusion of the watching women.
"What do you want why are we here?" Yelena yelled at the woman angrily.
"I think introductions are in order I am Nikola Dreykov nice to meet you Yelena Belova and Kate Bishop"
"Another daughter?" Yelena wondered out loud met with a punch and shock.
"I am his wife how dare you speak when you are not spoken to" The woman addressed Yelena and fore once Yelena was admittedly scared memories of the many red room punishments flooding her.
"Come now you dont believe dreykov was behind it all do you?" Nikola asked
"Why bring Kate if you want revenge?" She asked hoping it was not as she feared
"So your as smart as they say ,well you and your sister destroyed my family but I am a smart woman. There is a lump on the back of your neck it's a tracker" she tapped the back of her neck to show "I implemented the best widows and when activated I hear and see all ,through this I saw you grow close to Kate bishop and so hurting her hurts you and ultimately hurts Natasha" she paused as Yelena wondered how she knew of Kate "But no I have not missed something I decided to learn more of you Kate Bishop" she stroked Kate's chin despite her resistance "Instead I met someone who knew of your needing to be cured and so I found out more about you Katie ,from your mother" as she said the last words Eleanor walked in and went straight for Kate making Kate's whole body go limp and shiver while her eyes bulges in fear.
"LEAVE HER ALONE YOU SUKA" Yelena yelled as Eleanor Bishop entered the room and headed for Kate she received multiple shocks even groaning from the pain and if it had not been for so much fear Kate would have been angry.
"Katie dear we need to cure you and I have men to help me do so"
"Cure me from what?" Kate asked hate in her voice but not daring meet the woman's eyes
"From this wanting to be a hero and from this being gay and from hating your mother"
"Why is being gay so wrong you know exactly what pushed me in that direction and you know you let that happen" Kate spat at the woman fear disappearing and buit up anger releasing.
"Kate you deserved that you know it"
"No Mother I dont,I didn't deserve to be sexually assaulted at age 8 beacuse I spoke of never wanting children its unfair and now affects me every day!" Kate yelled receiving a smack in the face from her Mother.
"Now now let's get your 'girlfriend' out of the way" said Nikola turning Yelena's chair around but pulling her back so she couldn't reach Kate. She pressed play on a camera and walked out Elenor behind her as a man walked in and headed for Kate climbing on her and holding her tightly forcing his lips against hers despite her struggling.
"GET OFF OF HER NOW LEAVE HER!!!" Yelena cried out trying hard as she could to get out but these were chain not rope and she couldn't despite trying she was made to watch as the man kissed kate and kate cried while he undressed her.
"Please?" Kate pleaded as the man pulled out her hair and bit her neck working his way down. Yelena felt like she had been snapped she screamed out and yelled but Kate's screams were more painful it made her ears bleed and tears flood her face. Till the man left leaving Kate lying on the floor she kept twitching and whimpering. Eleanor came back in and Yelena's anger built up as she looked at Kate. "YOU!" she yelled "YOU MONSTER HOW DARE YOU YOU DO NOT DESERVE HER AS A DAUGHTER YOU NEVER WILL!!!" Yelena kept on yelling and struggling until a needle pricked her neck and she was back unconscious despite fighting it thoroughly she managed one final word "kate" before her world turned black.

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