*Breaking News*

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Things move fast in Hollywood, so your movie is already in production.
Will things go smoothly from here, though?

As I stood in front of my dressing room mirror, anxiously waiting to meet your my new head of wardrobe, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and nervousness all at once. the door to my dressing room opened and in walked the girl who would be choosing your outfits for the day. Her name was Erica and she seemed to have an air of confidence and authority about her.
I stood there silently, waiting for her to introduce herself and take charge. She moved around the dressing room, carefully examining my wardrobe, and finally turned to me with an ecstatic smile.
"Anna! Oh my God, I can't believe it's really you. I am your biggest fan. I'm so excited to work with you on this movie!" The girl stated with a glow in her eyes.
"The pleasure is all mine. It's nice to meet you, um..." I paused waiting for her to introduce herself.
"Erica. The director hired me as head of wardrobe. So I'm basically in charge of style for the movie."
"That sounds like fun." I said turning my gaze back to the mirror as I fixed my hair.
"It's a blast. Especially when I get to work with hot stars like you, Jamie and Luke."
"Thank you. That's sweet of you to say." She smiled in response.
"So obviously I know you know Jamie... But have you met Luke yet?" She questioned whilst grabbing her clipboard and pen.
"Yes, unfortunately the three of us had dinner the other night." I groaned at the thought of that dinner.
"Unfortunately?" She repeated, clicking her pen.
"Sorry, I don't mean to be rude. He just really rubbed me the wrong way." I confessed.
"Oh... that's too bad. I'll have to keep that in mind. I haven't seen him around yet. Anyway, I'm talking your ear off. Let's talk style for this movie. Tell me... how do you see you're character? What does Betty Jenkins, a tough but sassy street cop, wear on an average day?" She asked, getting ready to write her ideas down.
I sighed before replying "Well, I'm still getting to know Betty... I know she has a hard shell, but is hiding a soft interior. I know she follows the rules, but longs to walk on the wild side..."
"Mhmm." She added, gesturing for me to continue.
"Oh! I almost forgot! I've got an interview coming up soon. Can you help me get ready?" I asked.
"I'm sure we can find you something newsworthy. Come one, let's have a look."

"Thank you both for taking the time to interview with A! Magazine today. Anna, we're you surprised? Or did you see the proposal coming?" The man asked.
"I was blown away. Jamie was very good at keeping it a secret. I think my face in the video says it all." I answered, looking back at Jamie with a smile.
"It sure does! The video has been very on our site almost 12 million times." The interviewer added.
"I've watched it many times myself." Chuckled Jamie.
"Speaking of that video... how do you both deal with all the media attention? Having your lives splashed on the front page for the whole world to comment on." The man continued.
"Well, that's just it.... We don't really pay attention to the media." Answered Jamie as he ruffled his hair.
"Except for A! Right?"
"Communication is important. Especially in our line of business." I added. Jamie nodded his head in agreement before saying "We like to get our information from the source. If we believed everything we read about each other—"
"We probably wouldn't be together now." I finished.
"I can imagine. Now..." there was a pause..."oh sorry. I get alerted every time there's breaking news... Luke Larabee quit the movie?!"
"Wait what?!" I furrowed my eyebrows in pure confusion.
"He quit?!" I could tell he was hiding back a smile.
"You two didn't know? Oh, this is too good. He just put up a tweet that reads.... And I quote.... Anna Sophia and Jamie flatters are so obnoxious together as they are apart. #IQuit #FindANewAngel."
"Oh no." I whispered.
"I'm sorry but this interview is over. We have to go." Jamie explained as he dragged me with him storming towards Donald's office.

"Where the hell is Donald?! Why didn't he tell us about this immediately?!"Jamie exclaimed, frustrated.
"Calm down Jamie,I have no idea. Maybe he's upset with us?" I responded, trying to keep my co-star's nerves at bay.
"We didn't do anything wrong. Luke Larabee is a fool."Jamie said confidently.
"Do you think people will actually believe him?"i asked, feeling a bit anxious.
"I don't know. But I'll be damned if I let that idiot ruin my career."Jamie replied determinedly.
"His actions will speak for themselves. Let's just not even engage with him from here on out."
"That's works just fine for me."Jamie agreed, feeling relieved.
As we were talking, we were greeted by Barb, the director of our film "Ahh, there are my two stars!"
"Barb, my favourite director. Let me introduce you to my fiancé, Anna."
"Anna....wink,wink. Don't worry the secret is safe with me and Donald."
"Oh, umm...yeah. It's, uhh, nice to meet you!" I smiled nervously.
"You do look so much like her. Just without the scowl on your face, of course." Barb chuckled.
"Thank you. I'm really excited to be here."
"And I'm excited to have you." She kindly said.
"Barb...what's going on with Luke? We heard he quit the movie." Jamie asked.
"And good riddance! The casting director fought to keep him on, but I didn't want to hire him. He's notoriously difficult to work with. I'm happy you two chased him off."
"I hate to say it, but so am I. That man was a devil more than he was an angel, that's for sure." I giggled.
"I couldn't agree with you more."Barb agreed.
"But...what does this mean for the movie? Is it on hold until we find a replacement for him?"
"Donald is actually working on that now. He and I agree that the third person in this love triangle should be an unknown. Someone the audience can fall in love with."
"I like that." Jamie said, relieved.
"Same here. An unknown probably won't have a terrible ego to contend with." I added.
"So, when will Donald be back?" I asked.
"Later tonight. Hopefully with our new angel in tow. So shooting is still set to start on Monday."
"That's great news."
"Boy, things sure do move fast around here." I said.
"Yup, get used to it, sister. Speaking of, how are your lines coming, Anna?"
"I went over a lot of it last night and so far so good." I replied with a soft smile.
"She's a natural." Jamie replied, playfully nudging my shoulder.
"That's what I want to hear. This production is on a tight schedule and we need everyone at their best."
"You can count on me." She smiled at my determination.
"Now, I look forward to working with both of you. But I've got to run and put out a few fires. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask."
Barb had to leave to attend to some other matters, leaving Jamie and i alone once more.
"She seems nice." I stated.
"Oh, she's nice when she's not on set. You'll see a whole new side of her on Monday."
"Well then, I better get some sleep. I want to spend the rest of tonight and all tomorrow studying my lines." I said, rising up from my chair.
"I'll walk you up to your room." Jamie offered.

As the clock struck 12 am, I was fast asleep in my hotel room when a loud knock on the door jolted me out of my slumber. My mind raced as I struggled to comprehend who could be knocking at this unholy hour. Fearing the worst, I hastily rose from my bed and shuffled towards the door, my eyes struggling to adjust to the darkness.

As I opened the door, I was taken aback by the sight of Jamie, standing in front of me with a look of anger etched across his face. I asked him if everything was okay, but before I could utter another word, he cut me off and said, "Everything is far from okay."

I felt a shiver run down my spine as Jamie's words echoed through the silent corridor. He went on to say that someone had been wondering around the halls, asking for my room number and knocking on doors. I felt a chill go down my spine, as I realized the magnitude of the situation. As I looked past him, I saw a familiar figure walking in my direction. My heart sank as I instantly recognised him. I couldn't believe my eyes, I was so shocked to see him.
"H..h..Henry?" I stuttered...

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