Chapter 1

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One Week before the end of the Beta Test

Labyrinth 13

You: Ha!

You slash through a horde of monsters.

You: I didn't expect it to be this easy... I guess I am over-leveled...

???: Aaahhh!!!

You: A scream?

You turn around and you dash towards the scream.

With ???

The girl is surrounded by monsters at a much higher level than her.

Girl: Why are there so many monsters here?!

One of the monsters charges towards her.

You: Watch out! 

You jump over the horde, and you throw your sword downwards and it stabs through the charging monster.

You land and you pull your sword out of the monster's neck.

You: You're from the lower labyrinths, aren't you?

Girl: Y-Yes.

You: Duck down.

The girl ducks and you activate a sword skill and spin around as all the monsters jump towards the both of you. 

You: Done.

The girl looks up to see all the monsters gone.

Girl: N-No way...

You: You okay there. You're spacing out.

Girl: I-I'm fine! Thank you so much.

You: No need to thank me. 

You sheathe your sword on your lower back.

You: What are you doing all the way up at Labyrinth 13?

Girl: This is Labyrinth 13? I could've sworn that this was Labyrinth 1. 

You: Nope. They look the same, but the monsters are completely different. Here, take this teleport crystal and leave this area.

You start to walk away.

Girl: Wait!

You stop and turn around.

Girl: Do you think that you can maybe... help me... You see, this is my first ever VR game I'm a complete noob...

Your thoughts: Judging from how she reacted to those monsters, she's not lying. 

You: Very well. 

Girl: Really!

You: Yeah. Let's head down to Floor 1 for some stuff and we'll go to Labyrinth 1 from there.

Girl: Thank you!

You: Once again, no need to thank me. I'm Y/N, nice to meet you.

Girl: Likewise. I'm Koharu.


Beta Test Floor 1: Forest Area

Koharu: Daggers feel much better than that hammer I was wielding.

You: Hammers and Axes are for those who like to play heavy, meaning they're tanky and hit strong. The downside is that they're slow in combat. With a dagger, your speed should be much better, and you'll have a much better reaction time.

Koharu: So, weapons do make a difference.

You: It mostly depends on how people use them. Let's say someone magically found a high leveled weapon but they don't know how to use it. They're guaranteed to lose the fight.

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