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It was Asters worst day of the week, Monday. He has to get up early and worst of all go to classes for hours. He wakes up by his phone ringing. He picks up the phone to see Aia calling him.

"Hello." He said while still being half asleep. "Wow you sound like a ray of sunshine today." Aster glared at the female over the phone as she chuckles. 

"I'll be over at your dorm in about 40 minutes so be ready by then okay?" she said as the male nods and leave the call. '40 minutes?' he thought as he checked the clock.

"HOLY SHIT I'M GONNA BE LATE." He thought as he quickly got out of his bed to get a quick breakfast while changing to his school uniform. 

40 minutes later the doorbell rings as he opens with a hurry. "Dude, are you okay?" Aia asked sarcastically. Aster once again glanced at her as they made their way to their first class.  

"Aster let me fix your hair." The female said as they both stop walking. The two arrived to class and a few minutes later the teacher came and started the lecture. Aster was so tired he didn't even notice when he fell asleep.

"Aster." A whispering voice said as he slowly opened his eyes. "What Aia?" Aia looked around before answering. "You fell asleep in the middle of class and you were this close to being busted if it weren't for me." 

Aster sat up straight and stretched his arms as he looked t his right were Aia was sitting and waiting for a certain word. "Thank you Aia for saving my dear life." Aster said sarcastically as Aia looked at him with a satisfied look.

"REN DUDE?" A voice screamed at the third year making him finally move on from his day dream. "Dude what, you scared me Scarle!" The female stood in front of the male with crossed arms looking angry.

"Well i just finished my favorite series and now I'm angry!" She said pouting. "And you're putting out that anger on me, WHAT DID I DO?" "I DON'T KNOW I JUST FEEL LIKE IT."

"Scarle, Ren keep your voices down." The teacher glared at them as they both quiet down immediately. "This is your fault." Ren whispered as Scarle smacked him in the head and left to go to her seat. "Dude wtf." Ren thought to himself as he just had his tong out at Scarle. 

"Istg that they act more like children than us." Kyo said to Maria as she nodded and went back to their classroom.

"Who is that hottie over there?" whispers like that were all over school when the bell rang. Aia and Aster were confused as they tried looking around wondering who they meant. 

Suddenly Aster spotted someone and knew it was him they were talking about. "I'm sorry Aia i got to go now, See you tomorrow!" "Wait, what? Aster?" Aia said confused as the male rushed away.

The second year male ran to the man he spotted earlier and dragged him aside. "Meteor, what the fuck are you doing here?"


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