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Before everyone started to leave Aia came up with the idea to tidy up the dorm since Aster already has done enough just for their stay. The third year male picked up Aster to lay him in bed to then help clean up.

Then one after another started to leave the dorm saying 'goodbye' to everyone before exiting. Ren was the last one left and was about to go say a quiet 'goodbye' to the second year before he noticed a picture behind the door in his room.

It was a family picture but his parents crossed over with a marker. The male stood there in shock, he knew that his parents weren't Aster's favorite but that he hated them that but he had no clue.

He couldn't help but notice a young girl in the picture. "That must be his sister" the third year thought to himself. Something was off with the picture but he couldn't figure out what until he took down the picture to look at it closer.

His eyes widen when he realized. "Aster isn't in it?" It's like someone erased his existence on that picture it almost looked like he wasn't supposed to be there from the start but you could see a little strand on purple hair on the females jacket.

The male put back the picture as he realized he was going through some personal stuff as he planted a goodnight kiss on his sleeping lover as he left the dorm.

Though he tried to forget it, he couldn't help wondering why, how and who did that. He felt kinda sad that someone would do that to a family member.   

The following day he still couldn't stop thinking about it which distracted him the whole day. Scarle noticed how unfocused the third year was compared to usual as she got closer to him to ask.

"Hey are you okay?" the sudden speech startled the male.  "Ah, what?" The female tilted her head as she spoke. "You seem very unfocused today, is there something bothering you?".

"Oh no it's nothing, didn't get much sleep that's all!" he said laughing a bit, as he looked down to his desk. Scarle let out a sigh as she went back to her seat.

The bell finally rang as Ren packed his stuff to immediately go to the second year hall to meet up with Aster. "Hey Aster!" The second year looked back to face Ren as he waited a bit so he could catch up.

"Sorry for falling asleep yesterday, must have been awkward." He said as the older male chuckled. "No it's fine, should we go to your place?" he asked as Aster nodded.

He opened the door to his dorm as he let Ren go in first and then closed the door behind them.  "Do you want something to eat?" Aster asked while taking off his shoes. "Sure!" the third year answered as he felt his hand being dragged by the second year. 

The two lovers stood in front of the fridge holding hands as they decided on what to eat. They then took their plates with food and headed to Aster's bedroom.

The younger male took out his phone to place it on his desk and then sat on his bed to eat. "Hey, Aster?" 

"Hm, What's wrong?" He answered while taking a bite on his sandwich. "Why aren't you apart of that 'family' photo?" Ren asked facing him while sulking a bit.

Aster's eyes widen as he got a small forced smile. "I was the one taking the photo." The answer confused the alien as he stared at the picture even more. "But isn't that your-" 

"Ren, I wasn't in the picture." He said as he continued to eat his sandwich. Ren understood that he shouldn't ask more questions as they were kinda personal. He sat down on the bed as he took a bite of his food.

The second year felt guilty seeing his soulmate worried about him as he sighed and put the sandwich back on the plate. 

"That purple stand of hair is my moms. My real mom" Once again the third year got chocked by the response as he looked worried at his lover. "My 'mom' on the picture is actually my step mom, also my real moms sister. My dad cheated on her with her sister when I was only 7."

Ren's eyes widen as he was speechless. "My mom loved me to bits but one day she died but how is unknown." His eyes started to tear up and not even a second later he feels soft warm arms around him pulling him into a hug. 

They stayed in that position awhile while Ren let Aster calm down. After a few minutes the second year decided to check on his lover to find him sleeping on his shoulder.

The second year stared at his sleeping lover as a smile grew on him. Aster started playing with his hair as he let him continue sleeping. Little did he know that Ren was still wide awake.

"Maybe I should visit my family, my sister." The third year thought before he continued to 'sleep'.

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