Museum trip

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        Its now been a few weeks since the football game, Isabella's been a bit distant but that's okay. I woke up today to a text from Alistair.

Ali<3Do you want to go to an art museum today and then after words we can go to the gas station and watch the sunset over by the lake?

Me- Sure that sounds really fun, let me get ready!!

Ali<3- Ok ill be there in about 20 minutes had to go help Enzo with something.

hes so nice, okay anyways, I head to my wardrobe and put on a suit type of thingy with jewelry and small heels because I'm short. I then quickly put my hair up in a cute bun and let the front pieces hang out. After that I quickly make cinnamon toast with some chocolate milk to drink... I'm gonna regret that later. Then I grab my bag and throw unnecessary crap in it before hearing a knock at my door. 

"Hi loser" Alistair says leaning against my door frame and all i can think of is the door frame trend on tiktok hes so... Melanie stop

"Hi underachieving straight C student." I fire back because he lowkey sucks at everything.

"Wow you went there, at least I have parents to be proud of me" he says.

I stand there in shock for a moment while he laughs before jumping on his back and forcing him to carry me all the way to the car. He puts me down and gets in the car as i do the same. He starts the car and begins driving. 

"I get to be passenger princess." I say as I take the aux cord and plug it into my phone and begin playing Painted Bird by Siouxsie and the Banshees. 

"Of course you would play this music, you emo." Alistair says to me with a joking tone in his voice. 

I feign offense before saying back, "Actually it's goth, you dimwitted people smart but not book smart piece of garbage."

He laughs and I can't help but crack a small smile myself. 

We continue listening to music on the way to the museum. By the time we pull up to the museum, the ending of the Phantom of the Opera cover by Jonathon Young is playing. Alistair tries to hit the last high note of the song but his voice cracks hilariously. I break out into an almost psychotic laugh as his face turns bright red out of embarrassment. Soon enough, he joins in the laughter and turns the car off. 

Finally, we walk up to the museum and walk into the doors. We pay.. well he pays even though I tried to. then we begin our tour. We have been walking around for about 20 minutes when i see this one statue type thing. I don't know why but I cant help myself from beginning to laugh hysterically its so funny for no reason.

"What's so funny" Alistair say smiling towards me staring.

"That statue is so funny for some reason" I say in between laughs and coughs

" Your right it kind of is" Alistair says and we continue laughing.

The more we walked the more ridiculously funny statues became till we were both losing it laughing and couldn't stop.  A worker began approaching us and told us we needed to quiet down and stop laughing or wed have to leave. For the next 15 minutes we tried so hard but once again evidently failed and were asked to leave so we did. We make it out the doors as I definably catch my breathe enough to breathe. We walk back to his car and get buckled.

"Wanna go to the gas station" Alistair says staring at me with the best smile and light in his eyes ever.

"Yes for sure I need a monster after that." I say smiling. "Can I drive?"

" Sure just don't crash the car, short stack." He says laughing.

" Oh I will don't worry" I say jokingly.

We make it to the gas station barely has we blast music on the speakers. we both run in and I grab monsters and a few snacks for us. I pay for our stuff barely before he almost managed to before me then we walk back to the car hes now driving us to the lake. The sun is setting as we get out of the car and sit on the back of it enjoying our snacks.

"Today was super fun even though we got kicked out; laughing at the statues with you was worth it" Alistair said.

"I agree, those were super funny for some reason even though they're art."

We sit for a minute before I feel his stare on me so I stare back, he takes my arm and draws a little flower before putting the pen back down, he kisses my hand then holds it has we watch the sunset.

" You know, Eu te amo" he says staring into my eyes. He doesn't know I know some Portuguese. I don't say anything back but just smile and cock my head to the side trying my best to look confused at his wording even though I know what he said. I love him to so much but he can't know that, at least not yet at we sat there I chug my monster then begin to draw him. My drawing of him is pretty hot.

"Can I see your drawing?" he asked curiously.

"Sure!" I said and showed him. He smiled before handing it back to me and looking towards the sky again. The sunset truly was breathe taking, we took a few cute sunset photos then got back in  the car listening to NF and watching the stars twinkle in the sky.

word count- 949

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