Pick Me Up From School- Translation: Kill Me

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The bell rang for the seventh graders. We all poured into the hallways and get our stuff to leave middle school.

"Bye Mr. Farley!" I shouted as I ran out the door of my science teachers class. He said something back but I couldn't hear him over the sound of slamming lockers.

I got to my locker and undid the lock. I opened it and took out my regular folder, my book, and my pencil case to leave on this friday afternoon and put my other binders back. After, I shut my locker and ran out the door.

My Mother as always, was late. Every time I ask her why, she either try's to change the subject or she will say she had 'errands to run'. I know thats not what shes doing of course but I try not to let it get to me. When I saw her purple mustang convertible pull up, I climbed and she drove away, only to be back Monday.

"Hey sweetie," she says in an irritated but calm voice. "how was your day?"

"It was okay." I said in return. "Same as every day. I guess."

"Thats good." We drove home making a little small talk about what to have for dinner but that was about it. As soon as we got home I went to my room and shut the door so she wouldn't hear my phone call.

I got my Galaxy S Samsung out of my school bag and dialed my best friends number. She picked up on the third ring.

"Hey Nikki!" She screamed through the phone.

"Hi Aubrey."

gosh! Guess what just happened today."

"You got a boyfriend. Again."


"Whats yesaroony? Where did that come from?"

"It's my new word for yes! Ok, so guess who it is."

"Umm. Jonathan Parka."


"No? Oh ok. Umm. Henry Daniels."


"Kyle Jordan."


"William Dereck?"


"Mark Copper."

"You suck at this game. And no. Who dates Mark Cropper anyways? It's Aaron Fletcher."

"No fucking way!" Me and Aubrey have been friends since the fourth grade. I know her like I know my own ass. Apparently, not, because I'm curious as to know how she managed to get a hold of him.

"Yes fucking way." All of the sudden I hear the sound of glass breaking and pots clanging on the floor downstairs. "What the heck was that?!"

"I dunno. But I'm gonna find the hell out. I'll call you back."

"Full report tomorrow!" And I hung up.

I rush downstairs to the sound of more clanging pot and pans on the tile kitchen floor. I first look down to see my Mother unconscious on the floor. Then up to see a boy about my age or so, with a club in his hand looking wide-eyed at me as I get ready to scream at the mess and unconscious Mom on the kitchen floor.

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