School stinks. .!(i disagree🤓)

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You step a foot in this new school, chatter spreads the entire place. Very not quiet.

You new friend stands next to you "Before anything, you have to go to the principal! " he grabs your arm and leads you to the principal's office. Jesus Christ, why is he running so fast!? Your trying your absolute best to catch up with his sonic speeds.

"Hello Butters, who is this? Are you the new student we were informed about? " the principal asks "Yeah! " she clears her throat "Your assigned Mr. Garrisons class, so Butters can guide you. " He gladly smiles. "Yes ma'am! " He puts his hand on his head like he is in the army before grabbing your arm and leading you to a locker, and to other places basically instructing where everything is.

After that Butters then guides you to a group of people. "Fellas! Meet (your name)!" wait there's that fat boy, is he his friend? And you realized that both the coffee boys are over here too! "Wait aren't you that one from the shop? " the boy asks "the coffee tasted like shit" you mumbled under you breath.
(Changed the pov to y/n ok)

"I heard that. " he says out loud instead of whispering it. "Whatever" he looks annoyed. "You, aren't you that bastard who called me fat? " the far boy then says "Yeah, I never regret saying the truth" he then crosses his arms. Before I meet anybody else, the bell rings. I then notice that the coffee dudes were holding hands.

At this moment you just realized they weren't brothers they were dating! That could be the most embarrassing thing to happen.

You walk to the class that butters had said was the classroom. And the classroom butters was going to. There sat a old dude with some puppet of some sort. This guy seemed to not like introductions because he just started the lesson instead of introducing me.

This guy seemed tired. He had some country accent. And he said some gay ass jokes, but they weren't even funny it's just a weird gay saying that he'd probably made up.

After what felt like a zillion years the teacher dude let us out. Everyone then gets lunch. On the wall was a picture of some guy it said 'Chef will be missed'. Maybe he was the chef here, and people liked him or something.

The food was suprisily good, like my mum standards. Butters leads me to the table with everyone but the coffee lover dudes. I try to start conversation untill I see a dude studying instead of eating "Why are you studying? " he looks up at me "And who are you again? " He had like a green hat, orange sweater and red curly hair. "That's the new kid" another dude says, he had black straight hair and a beanie like the fat boy but it was blue and red. And a brown sweater.

"So what's your guy's names? " Butter starts introducting everyone he points at the green hat boy "That's Kyle" he then points at the boy in a blue beanie "That's Stan, he's best friends with Kyle" Butters then points at the fat boy "That's cartman" and then points at the boy in orange who seemed like the quiet kid. "That's Kenny, my best friend! " he then mumbles something that I have no idea what that ment other then MrphMrph. Butters then points at a boy wearing a purple with a T on it. "That's tolkien" Tolkien then waves at me.

After knowing everyone's names, lunch was over and then the other class had started. With the same teacher.

Sense nobody wants to hear a school lesson I will timeskip.

After the bell rings everyone dashed out the classroom. Going towards the lockers and putting their stuff and walking home. Butters walked up to me as I was putting my stuff away "Hey wanna go hangout with me? Me and Kenny and some others are going to local restaurant! " why'd he say restaurant and not the name? Weird. "Sure! Ill just have to tell my mum" me and him walked to my house, I then tell him to wait so I can put my stuff away.

Afterwards, I text my mom.


Oh ok!💅🤩

                                       Hey mum ima go
                                      to a restaurant.

                                 I'm hanging out with
                                 my new friends.

Just be home by 4👍


Wait you have friends😨

                                                   Why is that
                 surprising I legit just said that

I put away my phone and we both head to the place.

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