the dream the continual

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I then get home, god my head hurts. I head upstairs and change into pyjamas and watch some more Terence and Phillip.

Immediately I pass out again

(The dream😁)

Again I wake up, though I see a mirror and I walk over to it. Showing nothing was there, strange. Like last time I walk outside.

The air was cold, snow in the spring? Weird place, though no one can fix the weather.

I sit down as my body sends a shiver down to my spine once it hit the cold snow surface. The little grass that still some how was still alive tickled my legs.

I see a pretty frozen flower, I pick it out the ground. So pretty I must say, there was a little lady bug on it. I wonder how she wasnt hibernating, though I never cared enough to research about it.

The shadow dude walks over, he sits down arms behind his back, legs spread apart. He looked like a 5 year old sitting down. "So, how's your day been? " he asks once again like last time, but this time my lips weren't stuck together. "Uh, good? " he smiles, "that's good to hear" I look at the shiny town, the lights look like they were lanterns in the sky.

"The sight of the town is pretty isn't it? " he says as he points at the town. "Yeah, it's so pretty" he chuckles, "you know, life may seem horrible, but looking at what we have and admiring the smallest of things will make you realize life has a great meaning. " he says, I haven't really thought about any of that.

"Remember to be grateful for what you have, even the smallest, be grateful, " he said smiling, he turns to me "your silent, why so? " I look at him "nothin, I'm just tired that's all. " I could tell that he knew I was lying "I know something is wrong, what is it? " I sigh. "I just want to know who you are, you are you? My dad? " I say.

"Oh no no no no, I'm not your father. I'm your guide. A lost soul guiding you to be a good person. " he says, must be the reason why I've been much happier. "Who is my dad? " he chuckles "God, your dad? He was a well known man. He was most popular for writing the newspaper, praised to all, though, after online newspaper, he lost interest. He had became a drunk, guy, he didn't even want to raise you. " wow.

"I hadn't think that would be his job, I'd thought he was always a alcohol addict" I chuckle. "Oh no way. " he said.

Before I could say anything, it all disappeared.

(End of dream)

My body shivers as I wake up, it's pitch black so I grab my phone and look at the time. It's 5:00, maybe I should text my friends? No, it's too late to do that. I set my phone on the night stand.

I try to sleep, but I was shuffling around. No where was comfy to sleep, I then grab my phone again and start watching videos till I passed out. Though, afterwards I couldn't dream.

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