snorrrk mimimi

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decided to toss these here too :) more can be found on my tumblr, b-o-e <3

warnings: he watches you sleep bro :') fluff though, nothin weird

When you wake up in the morning, something is different...

"Good morning,"

A familiar sing-song voice gently coaxed you from your sleep. With a grunt and some shifting around, you settled back down, a deep sigh of content releasing from your nostrils.

"G'mornin, Darling," you mumbled the surname of who you knew that voice belonged to. Your tone sounded more endearing than simply his last name, though.

Gosh, what a nice sleep you had. You were warm and cozy, blanket pulled up and around you, arms hugged around something comfy while a hand carefully rubbed along your back.

A few more minutes wouldn't hurt, right?

Another deep breath left your body, your mind slipping back into its relaxed, thoughtless state, until a peculiar thought disturbed just that.

Why was there a hand on your back?

Your brows twitched in confusion. Actually, let's back up even more:

Why were you hearing Wally's voice, and now his quiet giggles?

Groggy with sleep, you grumbled words incoherent to even yourself, forcing your heavy eyes open and looking up.

"Hi," Wally's eyes peered down into yours, his smile spread slightly wider than usual. Based on his expression, he seemed quite amused.

"Hi," you muttered your reply, laying your head back down, satisfied you got your answers. Now it made sense! You heard his voice because he was here, and felt a hand because it was him. Easy peasy, and back to sleep you go!




But it didn't make sense.

Why was he here? Why was your bed raising and deflating? Why hasn't realization struck you yet?


A gasp tore through your lips. Your eyes darted open, and you quickly pushed yourself up. Ah, there was the realization!

"Wally!" You exclaimed, staring at the close-proximity face of your very familiar neighbour.

"Yes?" He responded.

You looked down at where you'd been resting. Wally's body laid underneath yours, plonked on your couch. Your lower half had been situated in the couch space between his legs, your head having rested on his chest, where you spotted a small damp circle on his shirt.

"Please tell me I'm still dreaming," you begged who knows what as a pool of embarrassment filled your stomach.

"I'm sorry to disappoint, but I don't believe you are," Wally gave a little chuckle. "Are you well?"

"I am so sorry," your hands covered your face as you sat back onto your legs. "Oh my goodness, this is so embarrassing..." you grumbled out, red in the face.

"What is there to be embarrassed about?" Wally's voice rang out with perplexity as he was unable to find anything wrong.

"I fell asleep on you!" You exclaimed, hands removing themselves from your face. "And drooled on you, among— other things, probably!" You groaned, shaking your head. How could you have let this happen?

The last bits you could remember were watching TV with Wally last night. He had stayed during the evening for a visit, but you don't remember discussion of a sleepover. You must've trapped him whenever you passed out!

"That's no big deal, silly," Wally smiled. "It's nothing more than a bit of drool. I get paint on me all the time!" Not quite the same, but you don't point it out.

"But I basically trapped you here! You should've gone back to Home, but you had to deal with me instead," you huffed, lost as to how he failed to see the problems.

"I could've gone back to Home," he corrected, "but I didn't wish to disturb you and wanted to stay here," he added, before at least something seemed to click. "Oh, I suppose I see what's wrong now. I've overstayed my welcome. I'm sorry,""

"No, that's not—" you gave up, letting yourself lay back on his chest with a long groan. What did it matter anyways? You'd been there for a multitude of hours already.

"That's not the issue," you grumbled after a minute, more composed after getting that out of you. "You're always welcome here," you admitted, the flush on your cheeks partly for a different reason now.

"Ha ha, and you're always welcome here, if you'd like," his voice rumbled gently, his hand finding itself atop of your head this time. He loved to drown you further in your embarrassment, didn't he?

Nonetheless, you relaxed a little, sighing. "I owe you an apology, though. I'm sorry if you felt obligated to stay overnight for my comfort, and I'm sorry for whatever odd things I probably did while asleep,"

"And I'll tell you once again not to be," he assured calmly. You could practically hear the amusement in his voice. "You've done nothing wrong at all. I hope you don't mind this."

Your eyes fell shut. Honestly? You didn't. Although you were flustered, consciously aware of your current position now, it was... nice.

"... I'm not heavy, am I?"

"Not at all,"

Silence followed Wally's promise, his thumb drawing shapes on your shoulder.


"... Your eyes move a little while you sleep,"

Your eyebrows raised in surprise, body shooting up to attention. "Do I sleep with my eyes open?"

"Ha ha! No, they move underneath your eyelids," he shut his eyes, tapping his own eyelids for emphasis. "They moved side to side," his fingers demonstrated the movement, eyes flicking open after.

"Oh thank goodness," your body deflated in relief, lowering against him once more. "Yeah, they do that. It's called, uh..." you paused, racking your mind for the term. "Oh, REM sleep, rapid eye movement," you said as it came back to you.

"Is there a reason they do that?"

"I won't lie, my minds too foggy to remember right now," you shrugged with a light laugh. "Did I do anything else funky?"

"You talk,"

"Right, that quirk I knew about," you giggled, rubbing a hand against your face, flustered by someone else learning your sleeping habits. Especially him of all people...

"Did I say anything eligible?" You asked. Most times you would only mumble, not too often understandable words or phrases.

Wally hummed in thought, looking up at the ceiling as he seemed to try to recall. "Well, for the most part, no," he decided. "Just some random words. No deep, dark, secrets, ha ha," he assured with a playful tone.

"Once again, thank goodness. I need to remain somewhat mysterious or else you'll lose interest in me," you jested, earning a pout.

"As if that would ever happen!" Wally smiled, shaking his head as he disagreed.

"Yeah, yeah," you giggled, a blanket of silence falling back into place. You felt content, even a bit giddy to be in your neighbourly crush's embrace. His clear lack of judgment or concern was comforting, as were his soft hums and gentle touches to your body.

Eventually, after you figured you've used poor Wally as a pillow for long enough, you finally pushed yourself back up. "Well Wally, I suppose we should start the day now, shouldn't we?" Your sentence finished with a yawn, your arms reaching to the sky as you stretched. Wally only hummed as he watched you, head tipping to the side with interest.

"I suppose so, neighbour."

You sure were a mystery to him, one that he'd like to unravel. There was so much about you he had yet to find out, but couldn't wait to learn as he spent more time with you! So, for now, he'll leave out the details of you murmuring his name in your sleep to save you the extra embarrassment. It was cute you were thinking of him, anyway.

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