Chapter 4

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Disclaimer: Before I start I just wanna remind you that we will be skipping a little bit. Skipping to a little bit before Vlad goes on a 'mission' with Val. But it will be focusing on JJ and YN. :)

*In a cop car because DCS took you*

John B hold up the last picture of our dad near the window until the wind picks it up and takes it out the window.

"Cheryl Cheryl stop stop please I dropped the picture of our dad" he begs her
"Not gonna happen kid" The cop beside her replies.
"Come on Cheryl it's our last memento of our father, your really gonna let that happen?"

"Pull over." She tells the cop
"What are you-" he starts
"Just pull over "
The cop gets out of the car and starts searching for the picture.

"Can I help him?" John B asks
"He's got it!" She tells him
"Come on  he's not even looking in the right place!" He whines.

"Fine." She unlocks the backdoors
John B sends me a 'follow me' look.

"Later Cheryl" we shout in sync.
"LATER BIG HEAD!" John B shouts to the cop. Who runs into the car following us.

"This way" John B grabs my arm pulling us through backyards.
I've never ran so much in my whole life
"Hey man" John b pants talking to one of his friends from the cut like us "look over there a snow leopard" John B points to a tree. When he isn't looking we grab to bikes
"HEY COME ON MAN!" The guy shouts

We start pedaling fast until we see a ramp.

Like our old man always used to tell us
'when hitting a big jump it's safer to just commit'.
We land still on our bikes and look back at the ramp us still not believing we landed that. Still pedaling fast we didn't see the chain Infront of us and we land with a thump.

3rd person:

"Ow" YN and John B grunt.
John B landed on his back whilst YN landed flat on her stomach.

"Oh my gosh! Did you just YEET over that chain?" A familiar voice asks walking over to the siblings still lying on the floor.
"Are you okay" she asks them

Sarah looks at John b's shirt 'oh that's not good' she tells him.

She helps the siblings up.
"Can you take us to a- uh hospital?" John B asks looking around for a cop SUV .
"Yeah yeah come on" she tells them
"Hey John B I think I'm just gonna go find will be harder for them to find us if we're split up" YN informs her twin whilst holding her stomach.

"Yeah yeah okay.." he tells her"just be safe don't get caught."

"I won't!" She shouts running off.

1st person:

I arrive at jjs house...he always tells me not to come here cause he doesn't want his dad to hurt me but I didn't care. I walked round the back following the voices of 2 familiar teen boys.

"YN..?" Pope asks looking at me
"HOLY- .. YN what happened?" JJ asks concerned.
"Running from dcs fell over a chain and then this happened."

"YN your bleeding." Pope points to my shirt.

I lift my shirt to see a long Scrape.

"You need to get that cleaned" pope informs me.
" I don't have a first aid kit here" JJ says

"Wreck?" I offer
They nod and help me into the car and when we get in kie asks me what happened and I tell her everything.
As she cleans my cut.

It starts to get dark and John bs not back yet.

"Crap" you mumble.
"You good?" JJ asks looking you in the eyes.
"Yeah it's just JB isn't back yet and I can't go back to the chateau as DC's prolly got the hole thing staked out."

"You can stay at mine?" He offers "my dad's looking for a job near the mainland and won't he back for a couple days so you can stay with me?"
That explains why he was at home
"Yeah please" you smile "thank you"

He just nods and smiles. You give kie and pope  a hug and say goodbye.

You get to jjs house and go to his room
"Sorry it's messy" he apologises
"Don't worry not much different from the chateau" you laugh
He handed me one of his shirts as mine is covered in blood "thanks" I tell him.
I just stay in my shorts and wear his t-shirt.
You sit on his bed as he sits next to you.
"Do you think it's out there?" He breaks the silence
"I don't know...I hope so..I hope I can just do it for my dad tbh"


"Mhm" you hum

"Are you sure your okay? You kinda just pushed aside your dad's death like it never happened..."

"I'm fine" you say barely above a whisper.

"Yn you know you can be honest to me right?"

"I-i just I never thought it could happen to us...he left to soon" you sob quietly "I never got to say goodbye "

JJ pulls you into a hug" he would be proud of you..and John B for trying to finish what he started"

You hug JJ tighter..wrapping your arms around his hug for what feels like hours.
"Thanks." You whisper laugh looking into his eyes after pulling away.
"Yeah no problem"
All I wanna do is kiss him right now ..

Jjs povs:

I held her tight in my arms I was trying my best to be there for her like she always is for me...I struggle with showing emotions so I really tried to shower her I was there.

I look into her y/c/e gosh she's so pretty...

Everytime I look at her I get this weird feeling...
She's like a drug that I'm addicted JJ don't relate to her as a drug that's weird...

I really wanna kiss her right now...

Your pov:

JJ slowly moves in a deletes the space between us...his lips move in sync with mine...I get butterflies as my holds my waist the feeling of his cold rings on my skin...I wrap my arms around his neck and play with his hair..we pull away and he rests his head against mine and smiles.
"I wanted to do that for so long" you admit
"Me too" he chuckles kissing me again.
We get into his bed and he pulls me close to him I lay on him as he wraps his arms around me...I soon fall asleep playing with his hair...

But what will John B think when he sees YN together with their best friend?

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