CHAPTER 3 - Breaktime Visit

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The university year soon started before Amy knew it. Cherry decided to attend university with Amy, much to Amy's confusion, as she was already earning quite a lot as an influencer. Amy didn't understand why Cherry would want to do a university degree albeit that. But Cherry's said that it was always good to have a backup plan. So while Amy studied Engineering, Cherry studied Business & Media. They would meet up at breaktimes and lunchtime at their usual table in the canteen.

One October morning, when Amy went down to the canteen for breaktime, there was a huge crowd.

"I think too many people want to eat at the same time," Cherry commented as she joined her in the canteen queue, if the queue could be called a queue.

"I don't think they're down here for food ..." Amy said slowly as her eyes fell on Ethan's, who gave a curt smile upon seeing her. He beckoned her to join him.

Amy went and sat down opposite him. They had stayed in contact over text but it was all very professional. He mentored her and advised her on her career. With his guidance and her intellect, she was unstoppable. ECoE had already gained so much from Amy's ideas and she did not even work there yet.

"Hi," Amy greeted. "I didn't know you were dropping by."

"I was in the area," Ethan responded. "I wanted to see how you were doing."

"Fine," Amy responded quickly, looking nervously at the crowd around them. "Do you want to go to a one-to-one room or something? Somewhere where all this lot aren't staring ..."

"Does it make you nervous?" Ethan asked curiously.


"Get used to it."

Amy gulped.

"What would you like for lunch?" Ethan asked.

"A cheese and tomato sandwich would be fine," Amy said slowly. "What really brings you here, Ethan? You can't be here to just buy me lunch."

"Let's say, ECoE got the deal we proposed after the presentation you gave," Ethan smirked at her direct response. "I wanted to say well-done in person."

"That's amazing!" Amy exclaimed, grinning. "I'm so glad. I was so nervous!"

"You performed just like I would expect of any member of ECoE. Your presentation skills have improved quite a bit."

"Well I have you and Jacob for mentors. Of course, I was bound to improve."

Amy looked around at the crowd around them hoping to catch a glimpse of Ethan in person.

"I really think we should go to a meeting room, Ethan."

"No," Ethan said leaning back. "We've got a company dinner with the Visor people today. I'll pick you up. Be ready by 8pm."

"You're supposed to ask whether I would like to go ..." Amy said disbelievingly.

"We're attending the dinner. I don't ask and I don't take no for an answer."

"You are unbelievable," Amy breathed. "And to think, you've dated so many other girls before. You know absolutely nothing about how to charm a girl."

"Let me correct you, darling," Ethan smirked at her boldness. "I've never dated anyone before but I've been on plenty of dates. And I do know how to 'charm a girl' as you put it."

"Right," Amy gulped before clearing her throat. "I would however like to be asked for dinner."

She didn't understand how Ethan was able to draw out such confidence out of her. She was normally a shy person. Ethan was very amused.

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