CHAPTER 4 - Riviera Mansion

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Having any sort of romantic relations before marriage was prohibited by law. The law was in place as a means of population control. After Eukatia invaded a neighbouring country, Sandonnia, it automatically took over its gold, platinum, diamond, gemstone and mineral mines. It also took up some of its culture. Sandonnia was rich in a vibrant culture too. The gemstones and minerals still today had a huge input into the majority of the country's earnings. After Eukatia won the war, there was an influx of immigration to the now rich and powerful country. The Relationship & Children Law had to be put into place to stop the country from becoming overcrowded. After marriage, each couple could have up to two children. Arranged marriages were common. There was a clause in the law that prohibited forced marriages but a lot of people seemed to forget about that clause. The punishment for breaking this law was death. Elites and the Royal family unfortunately were able to pay their way out of scandals. But Amy was of the common folk so she had to be careful.

The whole car ride was silent. The tension in the air was so thick that you could cut it with a knife. Every now and then Amy would look at Ethan and wonder what he was thinking and what inspired the flirtatious behaviour. To herself, she was a simpleton.

And he's a player, said the back of her mind.


Ethan stopped the car in front of the Riviera Mansion, got out and opened the door for Amy. Amy stepped out and looked at the very modern home in front of her. A valet wordlessly took Ethan's keys and took his car to park it. Ethan's Mansion was in the countryside of Riverbank. The Mansion was three-storeys high and had floor-to-ceiling high south-facing windows. There was a balcony going around the Mansion on the top floor. There was a chatter of people everywhere.

"This is so nice, airy and ... um open," Amy commented. "Wow."

"Shall we go in?" Ethan asked, smirking.


And they did. To be honest, Amy did feel out of place. She didn't know what to do or what to say, even how to walk or talk or sit or stand. It was like the Elites had a world of their own. The whole of the ECoE's employees were there and yet still the ballroom still seemed big. It wasn't like she was alone. But because she had walked in with Ethan, she was the talk. She needed a moment to herself so she excused herself and walked out into a flower garden nearby. She didn't notice Ethan also excusing himself and walking after her.

"Everything okay, darling?" he asked when he reached her. "Are you not enjoying yourself?"

"I am ... I've never been at this sort of gathering before," Amy admitted. "It all a bit alien to me. I'm scared I might say something to embarrass you."

"Why would you think you would say something to embarrass me?" Ethan asked confused.

"If you haven't noticed, I walked in with you and now people think we're together," Amy sighed, "which you know is not true."

"I can dispel the rumours by giving a press interview," Ethan suggested. "My PR can arrange it."

"That is a terrible idea, Ethan," Amy shook her head. "Now I know why you have a PR team."

"I'm messing with you. I wouldn't do that," Ethan smiled, shaking his head. "But you need to learn to ignore stupid people, Amy, if you want to get ahead in life. Come, there are some very important people here and if you get along with them, then we can take the next step by extending a contract."

That was exactly what Amy did.

At midnight, the night came to an end. The guests started to leave the ballroom. Ethan and Amy bid them goodbye. Amy was talking to a group of ladies and handing them the ECoE business card.

"You got SciFi's attention," Ethan said walking up to her as the SciFi woman took the card and bid her goodbye.

"Who are they?" Amy asked. "I thought it was just Visor here today."

"They make car chasses," Ethan replied. "And they were invited so that they get a feel of what our company does. And I've realised, you're quite good at hosting."

"Thank you," Amy beamed. "I didn't know that. I was talking to her about planes."

"Think about a car-plane hybrid. That would be quite a big project."

"Does our company have that sort of money?"

"We have all the money in the world, darling."

"Sooooo full of yourself."

"I was thinking," Ethan smirked before moving closer to Amy's ear, making Amy's eyes go wide. "It's good that you're so comfortable hosting in my home. It gives me good hope for the future."

"This is nor the time, nor the place for pick-up lines, Ethan," Amy gritted, smiling and bidding goodbye to the different guests approaching them both.

"Really, I am mindblown," Ethan cleared his throat, smiling. "The majority of my guests have taken a liking to you. You're good at advertising our products – people are actually interested. You handle queries and complaints well. You engage with people well. You've come a long way. I'm proud of you."

"Thank you," Amy grinned. "I think you've fried me enough times. You're absolutely horrible when it comes to corrections. You're the most blunt person I know. I just don't want to re-go through that everytime you have to correct me. So I try not to give you a chance to correct me. You have the ability to really be awfully horrible, Ethan."

Ethan gave out a hearty laugh. That was the second time in the evening Amy had seen him laugh like that. Amy smiled shyly. She was glad Ethan could feel free around her. For some reason, that made her happy.

"Is my best friend actually laughing?" said a voice.

It belonged to a dark-skinned male, with a muscular build similar to Ethan.

"Where have you been all evening?" Ethan asked, grinning. "The dinner is over. I would have thought you'd fancy an all-you-could-eat buffet."

"I would but I got held up," Tyler cleared his throat, smirking. "Who's your lady friend?"

"This is my intern, Amy," Ethan introduced. "Amy, this is Tyler; he owns a branch of ECoE, Ty's Cars; it's a sportscar division. It is the most successful branch of ECoE. He's also my best friend."

"Since birth," Tyler finished off, offering his hand. "Nice to meet the lady who made my best friend laugh."

"Likewise," Amy smiled, shaking his hand. "Does that mean he never laughs?"

"Nope, seriously stays serious, all the time," Tyler responded.

"That can't be true," Amy said, looking at Ethan.

"Oh stop," Ethan said, swatting Tyler before clearing his throat. "You can stay and eat whatever you want but I need to get Amy home first. I'll come back and then you can give me an update on Ty's Cars."

"You're dropping her home?" Tyler repeated slowly.

"Another word and I will cut your tongue," Ethan warned.

"Alright, alright," Tyler laughed. "Drop your lady friend home and we'll talk."

"I'm not his lady friend!" Amy exclaimed.

"Yet," Ethan smirked making Amy look him. He lent her his arm.

"You're impossible!" she said, linking her arm in his before they walked off.

"She's the one, I swear," Tyler said out loud. "You've found your soulmate!"

"Shut up, Ty!" Ethan called back.


When Amy got back home, it was about o'clock in the morning. Ethan explained to her dad that they had to dismiss all of the guests before he could drop her. He also told her dad about Amy's progress at ECoE, which made her dad ecstatic. Amy smiled to herself at him deliberately missing out the parts on their flirtatious encouncters.

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