Aristide & Sera's Aesthetic

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Here's a bit about Sera and Aristide, as always, not every face claim is exactly accurate but I'm working with what I have lol


lover of all things history, goofy af, the girlie with the baddest silk presses, can (fake) smile her way out of any situation, and proud thief of Aristide's clothes

SERAPHINA JACKSON lover of all things history, goofy af, the girlie with the baddest silk presses, can (fake) smile her way out of any situation, and proud thief of Aristide's clothes

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the broodiest of the grumps, obsessed with Sera's (real) smiles, can shoot a man dead in the blink of an eye, chess master, and secretly loves that Sera steals his dress shirts and sweaters

ARISTIDE FALCONEthe broodiest of the grumps, obsessed with Sera's (real) smiles, can shoot a man dead in the blink of an eye, chess master, and secretly loves that Sera steals his dress shirts and sweaters

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Thank you to OldKai for reminding me to upload this! I cherish your support and friendship so much 💗

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