12. Chauffeuring Duties (Part 2)

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Continued from the last part...

I stare at him, my heart beating steadily, his words registering but also not fully computing. Laughing? Little boys?

"What the hell does that even mean?" I mutter to myself, snatching the pen from his hand when he offers it again. Of course, I ignore the term endearment. If not, I fear I'll be begging him to speak more Italian to me.

He only tilts his head toward the counter. "Go clock out, Seraphina."

I roll my eyes. "You're annoying." Then I whirl around trying not to stomp back to the counter, where I ask my coworker Sandie to take care of Tomas while I go to the back and clock out.

Once I've changed back into sweatpants and a T-shirt that I stored in my locker and fold my work uniform in their place, I slam the locker shut and take a deep breath. I can do this. Aristide is going to take me back home, and it's going to be fine. I'm going to thank him, and maybe convince him that I won't ever be telling another soul about the things I witnessed in his presence.

He'll stare and brood, but then he'll grunt and relent, believing me because why in the living hell would a broke girl who is clearly not looking for trouble stuff her nose in his business? As much as he's a thief of pens, I believe Aristide is as rational as a man in his position can be, so he'll believe my words.

I take in another deep breath, annoyed at my state of mild distress. It's just so unlike me, and for everything holy, I just can't wrap my mind around why Aristide unsettles me as much as he does.

Sure, he's very good-looking and possesses that unmistakable air of danger, but when the heck did I start being shaken by attractiveness and menacing men?

"Ugh." I hike my bag on my shoulder, shaking my head at myself as I walk out of the backroom toward the counter.

Ms. Mille's behind the counter, head down as she reads through a paper with overwhelming spreadsheets littered with numbers that make my head hurt just glancing at them. She doesn't hear me standing a few feet behind her, and I hesitate for a moment, wanting to embrace her before leaving but also not sure if she'd like it or not.

I hover for a few more seconds until she turns her head and startles at my presence. "Oh, dear!" She swivels so she's facing me, her shock turning into a warm smile. "Sera, honey. You scared the wind out of me." She chuckles heartily, her eyes crinkling.

A smile forms on my lips because, right now, with the carefree chortle and chubby cheeks, she reminds me so much of my Grandma. The woman would laugh her days away, her memories sharper in those bursts of humor, and for a moment, everything would feel right with my world.

"You going home, dear?" Ms. Millie pats my shoulder, sighing softly. "I bet you have homework to do, huh? Better get going. Grab yourself some dinner, won't you? You're already too skinny as you are."

I grin. Since I've been working here, I think I've added at least ten pounds already. The jeans that fit loose on me are starting to feel more snug and the shirts wrap around my chest more visibility, pronouncing my subtle curves.

"Thank you so much, Ms. Millie." I pat her arm back, wanting to hug her but holding back. "But I'm all set with dinner."

She nods. "Alright then, go on." She waves me over to the exit, where I see that Aristide waits, phone against his ear and eyes trained on me. "Take care, okay? And enjoy your days off."

I take a step to move around the counter. "I'll see you on Sunday?"

She shakes her head. "Monday. Sunday my grandbabies and son are coming over so I'm spending the day with them."

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