26. What Would I Do Without You?

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I suppose, in a way, it's funny.

Hilarious, even.

Because when I decided to buy the simple-but-cute white dress with the flowy gown and wide shoulder straps that intercept at the back, I didn't think it'd be the dress I'd be wearing to the courthouse where I'd be lawfully wedded.

I swear, I wasn't thinking about how the white dress would compliment the classy but simple beauty of the Hilltop Courthouse, nor was I contemplating how the breathable material would be perfect for the sweat that would coat my back and gather at the most unfortunate places on my body.

I swear to you, I wasn't thinking of all those things when I pulled the dress of the hanger and held it up to Jaya, who quickly ushered me toward the fitting rooms and demanded I try it on. It fit like a glove, and after staring at myself and showing her, we decided that it would be perfect for a fancy dinner or perhaps even prom.

See, I really wasn't thinking of marriage at that time.

Or...was I?

Because perhaps the most astounding thing of this entire situation is just how perfect everything looks. From Aristide's crisp white dress shirt with his equally crisp black pants that are tailor made for his body, despite my sweat, the dress fits me impeccably, flowing in a way that hadn't screamed 'wedding' at the mall but suddenly does.

"Come here, mia cara."

I look at Aristide's impressive figure standing behind me, his hand outstretched toward me, his gaze never wavering from my face. I feel his eyes on me, staring hard enough that I can feel it down to my bones, enough that whatever chill I thought I was feeling at the idea of marriage to him melts in a puddle of heat at the bottom of my stomach.

"Seraphina. Come here, sweetheart."

I blink, then turn away from the mirror and go to him. Even if I wanted to, his voice would have pushed my legs to walk toward him because, I'm telling you, if you had a man like him telling you to 'come here, sweetheart' you would fold, too. Quick.

"Your hands are cold," he mumbles down at me, his large, warm hands rubbing mine. "You need me to warm you up?"

I screw my eyebrows, not catching his meaning. "What?"

A thumb swipes against my bottom lip, "I know a few ways to ward the chill away, mia cara. Care to let me help?"

I shake my head when, truly, I would like for nothing else. Funny, in the nineteen years in which I've had to be brave, to slay demons almost on autopilot, always carrying a sword for fear that I'd be shaken awake by a dragon, I've never been this uncertain. Never wrestled with both fear and this flickering warmth brewing at the bottom of my stomach.

"I'm scared, Aris," I blurt out, because apparently I'm comfortable enough with him that I don't mind showing him this much of what I'm feeling. Though I'm sure he can tell. "So scared."

"You're trembling, Seraphina," he mutters, the beauty of his face reflecting the sort of empathy and care that I'm not sure anyone has ever regarded me with. "Let me hold you."

Enveloped in his arms, I let out a shaky breath. Maybe this isn't a mistake. If marrying this man means I'll get hugs like these, that feel all consuming and mending, maybe this isn't a bad idea.

"I've got you, sweetheart." His chin rests on top of my head, his voice floating somewhere above me. "You know that, don't you? I'm here and I'll always catch you. For as long as you'll let me."

It takes a little more hugging for me to ask, with trepidation, "Even for forever?"

His arms around me tighten, and like the weak girl I am, I let a piece of my heart leave my body to merge with his. "More than anything, Seraphina. That is what I want. To catch you. Forever."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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