Dr. Chigiri

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Dr. Chigiri's office was soothing. The walls were sage green with white baseboards and plants decorated every square inch of the place.

The woman herself was downright pleasant. She had short, pink hair and wore a light cardigan to match. Her smile, her office, everything about this woman seemed inviting.

"Welcome," she greeted warmly. "I'm Dr. Chigiri and I'll be meeting with you from now on."

"It's a pleasure to meet you," I responded. "My friend recommended you to me, so I'm glad it's time we met."

Dr. Chigiri and I dove into the past while. I'll have to admit—it was incredibly awkward at first. Telling your life story and problems to someone you'd just met was strange, and I didn't quite feel comfortable yet.

"Well, if it helps you, I can talk about me a little bit," Dr. Chigiri offered. "I always find that a mutual relationship helps my patients best."

"Okay, sounds good."

"Let's see," she tapped her chin, "I have a son who's your age—Chigiri Hyoma. I spent most of my time at his soccer games and at his trainings, but he's went away for a while so now I just spend my time reading and gardening my flowers."

Could this woman BE any more precious? I thought.

"Where did he go?" I asked politely.

Dr. Chigiri smiled. "Blue Lock—a soccer program that just started. He doesn't get to visit home much."

"Blue Lock...hey! That's who Sae is playing against next week," I realized. "Maybe I'll get to meet your son!"


"The boy who saved me," I explained. After that, it became much easier to tell Dr. Chigiri about Sae and the attack. It all just flowed together. That lady was a damn genius if it was her plan.

After about an hour though, my session ended and I had to leave. It was difficult talking, but I wasn't upset like I thought I'd be. I felt more relaxed? Revitalized I guessed.

"Same time next week?" she asked.

I gave her a thumbs up and walked out the door.

I whipped out my phone and quickly called my speed dial. "Hey, Vi. Just had my first session today and thought it went really well. Maybe. I don't think she thought I was crazy, which is good. Anyways, how are you?"

"Hey! This is Vi, please leave a message if you're Y/n or someone else important. If you're from the school, drop dead! If anyone else, find me in person or I won't think it's important. Thanks!"

I really just got voicemail... I grimaced. She really needs to change that message.

I repeated the message and put my phone back in my pocket. Weird about Vi... she's never not picked up before, I thought. But eventually, I brushed it out of my mind.

Dr. Chigiri gave me some mental exercises to think about during the days when I didn't see her. Mindfulness, strength, calmness, peace of mind, these things were all supposed to come to me as I practiced, so I thought I'd give it a go.

Dr. Chigiri's office was downtown, so walking home I saw billboards everywhere for just about everything. However, one topic dominated the electronic headlines.

Japan's U-20 vs Blue Lock!! Tuesday at 7. Tickets available online!

Tickets available online, huh, I mused. Sae said he didn't want me to see him play. But if I sit in the back with the cheap seats then maybe he'll never know!

I speedwalked home and quickly got out the family laptop. It was from 2003 and was barely functioning, but any laptop was better for purchases than my phone—which also barely functioned at this point.

"Blue Lock...Blue Lock..." my eyes scanned up and down the internet browser. But when I saw the price of the tickets, I practically fell out of my chair.

"That's so fucking expensive!" I cried out. The cheapest seat, furthest away from the field, would be nearly 14 shifts of work. By Tuesday? No way. "Holy shit..."

But for some reason, the thought was still lodged in my mind. Call me stubborn if you will, but there was something so intriguing about this match. Something so interesting about going to something Sae doesn't want me to.

Ooh, maybe I'll meet Dr. Chigiri's hot son, I thought, giggling. Maybe he'll be Vi's
new hot crush.

And speak of the devil, I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. Vi.

"Hey girl," I greeted. "What's up? Where were you?"

"Y/n," Vi said, muffled. Her voice was different—quiet, sniffling—as if she'd been crying for days. "I have something to tell you."

"Are you alright?" My tone shifted from friendly to worried. Vi doesn't cry. Vi never cried. Vi was crying?

"I have to leave..." Vi whispered. "I'm leaving Japan. Tomorrow. For good."

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