The Letter

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My dearest daughter,

When you're reading this, it will probably be your wedding day. It might take you a while to find me, because I'll be sobbing in a bush somewhere, so give me a moment to reclaim my manliness.

With all my heart I've looked forward to this day. You're my beautiful daughter, and I feel so overwhelmingly filled with joy that you've found someone to love and to cherish. Now, I hope you know, no boy you ever meet will love you as much as I do. Not even close. But there'll be a guy out there who just barely reaches the ballpark. That's a smart man.

My beloved, you're such a strong, capable young woman with powerful ideals and hopeful dreams. These are things that you should value forever. With your writing, I hope it's a passion you pursue for as long as you live with all the joy it brings you. I sincerely hope that your husband recognizes the things that are important to you, and cherishes them with you.

A real man acknowledges your interests, and hopefully, he'll love them too. A real man tags along on your adventure and breathes life into your whims. A real man is right for you. But don't you ever get it backwards. The man is for you, you are not for the man.

It breaks my heart a little, knowing that I'll be the one to give you away into your new life. I'll no longer be the first man in your eyes, but you will always be my first girl. I know we may drift apart, and the same with you and your mother, but just know that we'll always, always love you, no matter what. If we ever fight or grow distant, please talk to us. Because I would rather live forever knowing you're angry with me, than be shunned by my precious daughter. No communication is worse than angry communication, and if you want a major secret of life, then there you go. Communicate. Talk. Wear your heart and feelings on your sleeve.

My beautiful daughter, I want you to know you are stronger than you think. You are capable and can make your own choices, and if your husband ever tries to limit you, send him to me and I will personally make sure he never does again. I mean it. His balls on my mantle, I mean it.

One more thing, if you find someone that truly makes you happy, makes you laugh, smile, blush, grin, everything, hold him close, because anything that can make my daughter happy is one of the most valuable things I can think of.

I love you forever,

Zephyr {Sae Itoshi x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now