Enter Ryusei

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"What the hell?"

"Pose, it's for the fan service."

"Sae!" I smacked his arm. "You can't just do that!" I broke away from his grip for a second and looked at the scene around us.

Cameras. Flashing. Everywhere. You couldn't escape the sound of the clicks and gasps that surrounded the stadium. The fangirls screaming, the paparazzi posting away. All because of that kiss.

I felt warm. Too warm. Flushed. I knew I was blushing, but there was too much attention on me to stop. I didn't know what to do with myself. I fiddled with my hand before Sae grabbed mine and Rusei's and began walking us back towards the stands. That didn't stop the chase of the paparazzi though.

"Sae! Sae Itoshi!" they called. "Do you have a minute to answer some questions?"

"Buzz off," the redhead called behind him, still stalking us away.

I felt someone grab my arm. "Miss, are the rumors true that you're dating Sae Itoshi?"

"Uh, no..." I stammered, unsure of what to say. "Sorry."

Sae hurried us into the U-20's host building away from all the fans. When we were finally in privacy, I let loose.

"What the hell was that, Sae? You said you were going to fix the problem! You just made it a thousand times worse. Now everyone thinks we're together!" I hollered.

"Y/n, don't swear, Mom says it's bad," Rusei chided.

Sae cocked his head, ignoring the boy. "Well, I did fix the problem. My problem anyway."

"What?" I asked. "What problem could you have that was definitely solved right now?"

"Fan service," Sae said, like it was obvious. "Now my manager won't come crawling back to me and ask for me to pose with some idiotic bimbo."

"But what about my problem, Sae. What am I supposed to do now?"

"Nothing," Sae said, calmly. "You're supposed to do absolutely nothing. Nothing bad can come from this, and besides, I've done nothing but deny rumors that we're together."

Not that I would fucking know because you've been keeping a distance from me since that article came out, I silently raged.

Passerby began walking past the secluded hallway we were in. I noticed Oliver Aiku out of the corner of my eye, but what I didn't notice was that Rusei had seen him too and decided to have a little meet up.

"I don't want people invading my privacy like this," I retorted. "And besides, I have my own life to fix. I don't need any of this celebrity drama you're gifting me."

"Your boring life problems are that you have an abusive ex, are flat broke, and have an unfinished goal of becoming an author," Sae explained. "Well, your abusive ex, who I just about fucking murdered in your cafe, can back the hell off when he sees that. Then, people are going to want to see me, meaning they'll track you down at work which, oh boy, means they'll have to give you service, making you more money, which is what you need to publish your book.

"How exactly is that hurting you?"

"I just," I began. "I don't want to have this lie out there. I didn't agree to it."

Sae sighed. "Y/n, let's have a talk. A proper one. At dinner with your brother, just like he requested. I can explain things better when you aren't yelling at me and I'm not simultaneously trying to use you as a body shield for the fans taking pictures of me against the glass door."

He was right about that part. At the end of the hallway stood a large glass door, locked, that had about five or ten fans flashing cameras at me. Well, at Sae, but I was blocking him. I didn't even realize it, the sneaky bastard.

"Fine," I said, wanting absolutely nothing more than this to be over. "Rusei, what do you—"

And then I finally noticed.

Where the hell is my brother? I thought in immediate terror.

"He couldn'tve gotten far," Sae commented. "Come on, I'll check the locker rooms and you check the bathrooms."

I ran down the halls as fast as I could, and Sae broke away from me to check the halls. Sure, maybe it wasn't a big deal, but this was a big place. And big places weren't always friendly to small kids.

"Rusei?" I called, loudly. No response. I made it to the bathrooms, but was suddenly hesitant. I couldn't go in the men's bathrooms. "Rusei!"

"Yeah?" a voice piped up. A boy opened up the door of the bathroom and came out. "What's up?"

He was familiar. I recognized him from the match. He was tan, blond, and had pink accents through the tips of his hair. He eyed me up and down, something that couldn't help but send shivers down my spine.

"Excuse me, can you please—"

"Oh, sorry. Not really looking for anything right now," he said lazily. "Game's got me all squeezed dry."

I waved my hands in the air. "Uh, what? No. Hell no. Who the hell even are you?"

"Ryusui Shidou? You literally fucking called me while I was pissing," the boy answered. "And now you wanna come at me like that? The better question is who the hell are you? Looking so desperate out here; don't come thirsting for me if you can't even admit it."

Fucking. Gross.

"Ugh, I'm looking for my little brother you pervert," I frowned. "His name is Rusei. And if you want to be an asshole, go somewhere else. I'm not in the mood."

Shidou looked at me one more time. "Fine, I can make an exception. Get in." He opened the door of the bathroom with a gesture of invitation. I wasn't flattered.

"Oh fuck off you horny bitch," a voice called from behind us. "She already told you she's looking for her brother."

I recognized him too from the match. He had black hair with a lime green underside. He was the captain. Oliver Aiku.

"This your kid brother?" he asked. Rusei stepped out from behind him, looking totally excited, despite him causing me one of the greatest heart attacks of the century.

I heaved a sigh of relief. "Yes, thank you so much."

"Y/n, look! He signed my shirt!" Rusei turned around and pointed to his back, which had about four or five signatures scribbled on it.

"I am so freaking mad at you, I might lose my actual mind," I said through gritted teeth. "Come on, we're leaving." I stuck my hand out and Rusei took it, finally taking some cues.

"Oh hey, now I recognize you," Shidou said. "You're Sae's girlfriend, aren't you?"

I paused, unsure of what to say.

"Who cares if she's friends with Sae, I'm best friends with Sae!" Rusei called. "He even got me a ticket!"

Okay, you little asshole. I'm fucking mad at you, but that was a good save, so I can be a little less mad at you now, I thought.

"Is that right?" Shidou clicked his teeth. "I wouldn't suppose a teeny kid like you has his number."

Rusei tilted his head. "I have his number on my jersey."

Shidou laughed. "I like you kid. I like you too, girl. Maybe we'll meet up some time."

I shot him a deadpan look. "Maybe I'll invite Aiku with us to settle you down."

Aiku chuckled. "Anytime."

I texted Sae that we found him and quickly met him out front. We were back in his fancy car, and Rusei was back to his yelling, but one thing was definitely different.

I was getting stares everywhere.

Zephyr {Sae Itoshi x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now