Chapter 9:Harry Jermaine

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Crystal's POV

"Okay" I took a deep breath

"well in my freshman year I was a party girl I would sleep all day and drink all night I wanted to start high school with a bang.Well one day at school this really cute Junior came up to me and told me he liked me his name was Harry Jermaine and so I gave him my number and we texted all the time and we talked at lunch and things were going really good.We were texting one night and he said that there was a party and he was wondering if I was going at the time I was grounded but I told him yes and snuck out.We went to the party and we took some shots I could hold my liquor well at least back then well he was trying to tell me something but I couldnt hear him so he grabbed my hand and we went upstairs.He told me he really liked me and he wanted to be with me and I told him yes he kissed me and them he... He tried to take off my pants I told him no and it was too soon and he didn't stop He took them off and he tried to rape me I screamed but the music was to loud I screamed for help and then he put his hand over my mouth."I sniffed my chin and wiped a tear from my cheek

"Then finally someone came in and ripped him off me and began punching him in the face I backed up against the wall covering myself and when I looked at the guy who saved me and it was Vince.I saw it was him and freaked out I didn't want anyone to know so I took my jeans and ran outside he saw me and followed me when I got outside he grabbed me I told him nothing happened I put on my jeans and went to the park I stayed there all night when morning hit I went to school.My hair was messed up and my makeup was messed up.I always looked my best but after that I couldn't a 6 weeks later I started throwing up and I got worried so I went to a clinic.The told me I was about one month pregnant."I stopped again and wiped the tears that ran down my face Madison put her hands on my shoulders

"So when I found out I told Harry and he just denied it and told me I was a slut.I cried that day about 4 weeks later I started showing then I told my parents I was pregnant they told me I had to get an abortion I told them I couldn't do that.I asks them if they could put melon homeschool do I stayed home and the baby came early really early she was born May 6th.I knew I couldn't keep her I loved her she was somethig so special but I couldn't take care of her when I told my parents I couldn't keep her she reminded me of the horrible memory of that night so I gave her up for adoption I worked all summer to make it look like nothing happened.and I succeeded so I vowed to be more conservative so I wouldn't give off an impression.So during the year people asked me questions 'did you have cancer ' 'we're you homeschooled' but all year Vince asked what had happened so I told him that Harry raped me and I couldn't go to school anymore but I didn't tell Vince that I was pregnant but Vice didn't believe me so I tried to avoid him then a rumor was spread by Harry that I gave him STDs so everyone started to call me Crusty Crystal.Vince told me if I didn't tell the truth he would have to believe Harry's stories.I told him I told him everything but he didn't believe me so I went through all year with everyone calling me Crusty Crystal.Brian didn't know what happened either bit I told him nothing happened and he believed me.So one day Brian saw Harry and he beat him up.Harry and his friends ended up jumping Brian.At the end of the year Vince told me he would find out what really happened.So when Vince asked if he could come to Marvel Movie night he told me I had to tell what happened or let him and Aiden I let him go."I wiped some more tears and pushed my hair back

Madison pulled me into my arms

"I'm so sorry."she whispered

"it's Okay"

"Everything is going to be fine."she whispered rubbing my back

"One can only hope"I mumbled

Madison's POV

Crystals story made me go home that night and cry so long it's so sad but she is so strong she has been through so much.I finally got myself together and do my homework it wasn't a lot.

Afterwards I went downstairs ate dinner and went to sleep.I hope Friday goes well

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