Chapter 15:Indiana Garcia

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I looked everywhere for Aiden I found Crystal though, she had tears in her eyes

"Hey Crystal what is wrong."

"he is here Harry he is here."she sobbed

I grabbed him and pulled her into my arms and whispered into her ear.

"I know it's going to be fine."I said patting her back.

"have you seen Aiden its extremely important."

"He is with Harry."she whimpered

"I can talk to him later I'm not going to leave you."

"no it's fine let's go I can do this."she answered wiping tears from her face

We approached them

"Hey Aiden can I talk to you it important."I whisper to him

"Right now isn't a good time ."he whispered back.

"Hello Madison and C-C-Crystal."Harry stuttered opening his eyes wide"

"Is that you."Harry asked

She nodded

"Aiden please this is important."I asked

"Go talk to the girl."Harry. Said pushing Aiden toward me

"but i don't want to."he whispered

"Just go I will still be here when I get back." he said

Aiden walked to me

"Fine if you want to talk about this it had to be alone."he said I couldn't leave Crystal alone with Harry.She heard Aiden's demanded and nodded and then mouthed 'I will be fine'

I walk over to him an he crossed his arm

"you have 5 minutes."he says crossing his arms

"Why are you in a bad mood and why is Vince happy."

"I dunno why Vince is Happy he shouldn't be especially today of all days."

"why." I asked

"because its a long story."

"just tell me I'm a part of your group now."

"Freshman year I had met this girl.Indiana Garcia she was amazing Blonde hair hazel eyes and a laugh that could bring a smile to everyone.She wasn't the most popular people would make fun of her I would stand up for her.We would text all the time we were really close but I'd not know what happened she had texted me a year from today ago saying 'Thank you for everything and wanted to let you know I love you.' I was so happy really happy so I texted her back 'I love you too.' I was so happy I couldn't take it I went to her house I knocked on the door and no one was there I knew she was home because she never went anywhere after school I got scared and busted down the door I ran into every room looking of her then I found her on the floor."he started to choke his eyes were getting watery

"I wish I could have done something.I tried I stood up for her beat every kids ass who would even look at her funny but she couldn't take it anymore.I never saw it coming.I knew her when she was feeling sad mad angry depressed but i don't know what happened.Why did she have to go and kill herself she didn't even get my message I bet.I wonder if he had waited one second and knew that I loved her and I cared for her before leaving me,leaving her family."he stopped

"I'm so sorry."I pulled him in for a hug.

"I understood where she was coming from I wanted to kill myself at one point but I persevered and I am a stronger person now."I muttered I felt a tear coming but I held it back.He pulled me in for I tighter hug

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