Loyal Amazonian(cheater Artoria x male reader x Barghest)

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A white haired young man laid in his bed inside Chaldea after witnessing a terrible sight that he wanted to remove from his mind


(Y/n) had a smile on his face holding some flowers for his servant Artoria, he and the lancer got along well with each other and became a couple. (Y/n) loved her dearly because she wasn't afraid of his deep and dreadful mana that came from him. But lately she has become distant of him and barely talks to the master, he thought maybe he did something wrong so he got some flowers and is now going to talk with her

(Y/n)"ok... I hope this helps"

He got to her room and took a deep breath in and out as he opened the door

(Y/n)"hey Artoria! I came here to...talk...."

His voice lowered as he saw her making out with Gudao as he stood stunned for a bit as the two were too lost in the moment to hear him. He backed up and dropped the flowers as in a flash he ran from the sight leaving a small imprinted foot step in front of the door

(Y/n)"I-I see....s-so that's why she... became so distant..."

He felt his body shake in shock as he stumbled walking towards his bed and laid there clutching hard on the mattress



Kintoki"(muffled) hey master! Da Vinci needs you for something"

(Y/n)"that's right...the singularity..."

He got up and sat there a bit before slamming his hands on his face putting on a facade as he smiled. He got up grabbing his sword, Aramasa putting it behind his waist and opened the door

(Y/n)"right, let's go Kintoki"




(Y/n) watched as his other servant Barghest ran up to him in a hurry

Barghest"I heard you were going on a singularity! Please let me come with!"

He was a bit surprised seeing her ask desperately as she stared down at him with anticipating eyes

(Y/n)"of course, I'll take all the help I can get"

He was immediately brought into a hug by her as he was pushed into her breasts

Barghest"thank you master! I'll be sure to protect you!"

(Y/n)"thanks Barghest"

The three of them headed to the shift room but Barghest noticed her master was hiding something behind his smile

Da Vinci"there you are! I'm going to need you to help with this small singularity, all you gotta do is defeat a few servants and bring back the Grail"

(Y/n)"sure, ready you two?"

Kintoki"as ready as I am Golden, master!"

Barghest"me too!"

(Y/n)"alright then, let's go"

Time Skip

After successfully ray shifting into the singularity Barghest still couldn't help but feel concerned as she felt her master is hiding something with his fake attitude

(Y/n)"since there are four servants here, we should take down Caster first before aiming for the others"

Kintoki"right, then we'll aim for lancer next since we have a huge advantage against them"

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