"Mine"(Raven x male reader x Glynda)

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(Y/n) sat at the table with a dull look in his yellow eyes as he looked at Raven's wedding ring on the table. Out of nowhere Raven had got up and left leaving her ring

(Y/n)"-sigh- should've known better"

He got up and rubbed his eyes trying to think of what to do before hearing small foot steps come down the stairs

Yang"morning papa..."

His daughter Yang rubbed her tired eyes and walked towards him before being picked up

(Y/n)"good morning firecracker, if you sleep well?"


(Y/n)"good, go ahead and watch some TV while I make breakfast"

He set Yang down and went to the kitchen to start cooking. He didn't know how to tell her that Raven left them and is most likely not coming back

(Y/n)"this is going to be rough explaining it to her. I should ease her into it"

As he finished making breakfast he heard a knock on the door and went over opening it to see his friends Summer and Tai with their daughter

(Y/n)"what are you two doing here?"

Summer"Qrow told us about what happened"

Tai"we came by to make sure you and Yang are ok"

(Y/n)"-sigh- of course he would know, I haven't told Yang yet since I want to ease it onto her"

He let them inside and made some more breakfast for the other three. After they are Ruby ran off to play with Yang with (Y/n) discussed the situation with Tai and Summer

Tai"did you two get in a fight before she left?"

(Y/n)"no, me and her have never fought. Even so the only time we did was back when we were in Beacon"

Summer"(Y/n) isn't the kind of guy to get in a fight with her, even if he's very sadistic"

(Y/n)"I'm only sadistic to who I'm hunting down or arresting, I would never push those types of torture or things onto Raven or Yang. Actually I stopped doing those methods since it might affect Yang"

Tai"then I guess it has something to do with her tribe"

(Y/n)"without a doubt, but I knew this was coming so I shouldn't be so shocked"


(Y/n)"I bet I can show you it's not that bad raising a kid and being part of a family. If you get bored by it or feel it's a waste of time, then you can go back to your tribe"

Raven"hmm, all right. Deal, show me how good raising a family is you snake"

(Y/n)"guess I couldn't hold up on my part of the bargain"

Tai"don't blame yourself, we all know how Raven is"

Summer"if you need any help or anything, don't hesitate to call us"

(Y/n)"thanks, I should call off for today since I don't have anyone to watch over Yang"

Tai and Summer got up and left with Ruby as (Y/n) grabbed out his scroll making a quick call


(Y/n)"hey Makoto I'm going to have to leave the investigation with you today"

Makoto[huh!? But captain!]

(Y/n)"sorry Makoto, something came up and I don't have anyone who can watch over Yang for me"

Makoto[is Raven not there?]

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2023 ⏰

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