For Her(Sakura Matou x Male reader)

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Wake Up And Free Her

(Y/n)'s eyes shot open as he saw Sakura laying across from him softly smiling as it looks like she was already awake before him


(Y/n)"morning beautiful"

(Y/n) smiled seeing his girlfriend's face, nothing can compare to how beautiful she looks even in the morning. Make up couldn't compare to her beauty


Sakura"sorry, I find your sleeping face addicting to look at"

(Y/n)"no problem, but we should get up and get something to eat"

Sakura pouted before clinging onto him as he chuckled from her attempt to stay in bed

Sakura"nooo! Let's just stay in bed and hold each other"

(Y/n)"nice try beautiful, but we have a big day ahead of us"

He picked her up bridal style as she kept holding onto him not wanting to let him go. He gently let her on her feet and walked to the kitchen as she joined him

(Y/n)"what do you feel like eating today?"

Sakura"hmmm... How about some pancakes?"

(Y/n)"sounds great"

The both of them helped each other make their breakfast as Sakura held a big smile on her face that (Y/n) loved seeing every time

Sakura"you were saying something about us having a big day today"

(Y/n)"of course, because today I have the entire day planned for our date"

Sakura's eyes sparkled as she hugged him tightly

Sakura"I can't wait!"

(Y/n)"we'll start after breakfast"

The both of them finished cooking their breakfast and sat down together enjoying their meal

(Y/n)"I wonder how Shirou and Rin are doing?"

Sakura". . .who?"

(Y/n) froze for a bit before becoming confused as he was trying to remember something

(Y/n)"wait, did I... Say something?"

Sakura"n-no. It was nothing"

Sakura smiled at him as he shrugged off the thought of feeling like he forgot something and enjoyed his breakfast

(Y/n)'probably nothing. Must've been saying something without thinking'

After they ate the both of them got dressed as Sakura put on a white dress and (Y/n) put on a loose black sweater and comfortable pants

(Y/n)"ready to go?"

Sakura"mhm! I'm going to love today"

The both of them held each other's hands as they walked out of their house and to the town. Everyone had smiles on their faces and enjoying the day

(Y/n)"such a beautiful time spring is"

Sakura"yes, I especially love it during the flower festival"

(Y/n)"the cherry blossoms shine beautifully, reminds me of how peaceful it is"

A little girl passing by tripped over as (Y/n) quickly caught her and helped her up

(Y/n)"woah there, be careful"

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