Chapter 8.

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Later At the Pokemon Center.

Nurse Joy: You Pokemon are all fully recovered and healthy.

Ash Ketchum: Thanks very much.

Verity: Cheer up, Charmeleon's fine.

Ash and the Others went outside.

Ash Ketchum: That guy... His training is totally wrong! I know I should have won that thing, but...

Sorrel: Try as you might, you cannot deny his convictions. He and Incineroar are bonded together through their shared belief in pure, raw strength.

Ash Ketchum: Even so, it's wrong for a guy like that to win!

Sorrel: You first step, needs to be accepting that you lost.

Verity: Can't you channel the frustration of losing, into working hard, so that you'll win next time?

Ash Ketchum: Yeah, I hear you. You know? Pikachu would've won that thing.

Verity: Ash, don't say it! What if Charmeleon had heard you?!

Then Ash was shocked, then starts growling angrily.

Sorrel: If winning's all you care about. Then you're no different than Cross.

Then the Eyes of Marshadow appears from Ash's Shadow. As Ash runs away in despair.

Verity: Ash, wait!

Sorrel: Hold on! Ash come back!

As the heroes runs to find Ash, Shakes watches from a distance.

later that night, Ash is walking grumpily.

Ash Ketchum: What's with those two thinking they're so smart?

As Pikachu tries to follow him.

Ash Ketchum: Hey, I'm right, don't you think?!

Pikachu nods.

Ash Ketchum: So you're saying it's my fault, huh?!

As Ash leaves.

Ash Ketchum: Even Pikachu... Man...

As Pikachu starts to follow him, then stops at him.

Ash Ketchum: If only my first Pokemon had been a Squirtle or a Bulbasaur.

After what he said, Pikachu growls angrily.

Then Ash growls angrily, As the Eyes of Marshadow appears from Ash's Shadow, then He walks away.

As Ash looks behind and see Pikachu vanished and runs back to Pikachu, but finds nothing.

Ash Ketchum: Pikachu?

Then Ash heartbreaks and stands through the tree, As he pops up the Rainbow Wing in Ash's Jacket.

Ash Ketchum: Ho-Oh, I thought I was the Rainbow hero. (He sits down miserably) Who needs Pikachu anyway?! I'm just fine... all by myself!

Then Marshadow's eyes appears and turns purple, Causing Ash's eyes to turn purple as well and goes to sleep, Then the Rainbow Wing turns black and began to have a nightmare.

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