04 | Supernova

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Chapter 4 - Supernova
published: April 26 2023

Whispers echoed through the hallways as she walked through the building. At first glance, she looked like a normal girl, but you would be mistaken. She was a supernovai - the last being from the planet Supernova.

Rumours had spread that she could tell you where your soulmate was from, and as she neared the cafeteria, the whispers slowly died down as she approached Julianne Rylands.

"Hi..." the girl said, her voice ethereal, with nuances that felt like flower petals in the spring, yet so sharp, like a knife that would stab you in the moment you least expected it.

Her silver-speckled eyebrows furrowed as she noticed the crowd forming around her. "Is this seat taken?"

"Uh, no?" Julianne responded, looking unsure of what to say.

"Thanks." the girl glowered at the horde of students, now nearly all of the cafeteria. "Now, why are you still here?"

Everyone gasped audibly, but one boy, with long, messy hair, stepped forward. "No... don't you dare, Jasper..." hissed the ash-brown-haired girl beside him.

"Can you tell me where my soulmate is from?" Jasper asked eagerly, looking at the supernovai girl.

She sighed heavily, like she'd done this many times before, and put two fingers to her temples. After a moment, she responded. "California."

Jasper's eyes widened, and he whispered to the girl beside him. "Mary, I told you she was an actual supernovai! That is so cool!"

The girl, presumably Mary, rolled her eyes. "Jasper, you really shouldn't have done that. You could've been-"

"I could've been what? Nothing happened anyways! I got to know where my soulmate was from! That's a win-win!"

Mary looked like she was about to complain, but another student stepped forwards. It was Julianne. Intrigued by the prospect of knowing who her soulmate was from, she asked, "Do you know where mine is from?"

This time, the girl just concentrated, and then blinked her multicoloured, butterfly-like eyelashes. "Georgia."

This time, Mary couldn't resist the temptation. She wanted so badly to know, and two people had already asked! Another person wouldn't hurt, right?

"What about mine?"

Smiling serenely, the girl spoke yet again. "Frozenova."

"Woah, your soulmate isn't from Earth! That's EPIC!" said Jasper, his eyes widening.

Mary tried to hold back her excitement, but she just couldn't contain it, and a small smile appeared on her face.

Her brother looked at her knowingly. "I told you."

"Shut up, Jasper," she said, lightly shoving her brother on the shoulder.

Suddenly, everyone fell quiet yet again as one figure stepped up towards the supernovai. It was Ian Kaylee - every girl in the school's crush. Immediately, every girl in the crowd started gushing, trying to push their way toward Ian.

He looked slightly uncomfortable at the sight of so many girls obsessing over him, but he still asked her, "Um... hey there, do you know where my soulmate is from?"

Again, the girl put her fingers to her temples and closed her eyes, but this time, when she opened them, her violet irises glittered with shock.


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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2023 ⏰

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