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9 | Betrayal

"Come on, dude," Mindy yelled at the actor playing her uncle on the screen, "turn around! Turn around! Dude! No, Randy, look behind you!"

I furrowed my brows, from the slight glare of the tv, I could see a figure approaching from behind us. My eyes widened as I looked up, seeing Ghostface standing behind Mindy, their signature knife in both hands. "Mindy! Behind you, watch out!"

Mindy looked up and screamed, rolling off of the couch just as I got up. The killer managed to slash her arm. I grabbed the nearest thing I could, a lamp, and threw it at them, hitting them in the head just as Sam ran into the room.

The killer took off and I ran towards Mindy, kneeling beside her on the ground. I put my hand to her wound, trying to stop the flood flow. "Mindy."

"That's a lot of blood, Scarlett."

"No, Mindy, stay with me." I spoke calmly, though I was anything but. Mindys head dropped, causing me to panic.

"Scarlett?" Amber walked into the room, instantly grabbing me and pulling me towards her. "What happened?"

"The killer, they stabbed her!" I gulped.

A loud, shattering noise grabbed all of our attention. All heads whipped towards the doorway, where Richie stood, a glass of beer shattered at his feet. "What the fuck?"

"Richie? Where the fuck were you?" Sam asked.

"I just went into the basement to get some beer!" He pointed behind him, towards the basement.

"You went into the basement alone?" Amber asked, her grip on my shoulder tightening.

"I asked them to come with me! They said no!" He defended himself.

A door slammed and Liv ran into the room, crying. "Stay the fuck back!" Amber raised her hands.

Liv looked towards Mindy. "Jesus Christ."

"One of you," Amber pointed around the room, "is the fucking killer!"

"Fuck you, Amber," Liv got out, her teeth gritted, "fuck you!"

"Why is there blood on your hands?" I asked, seeing the amount of blood that stained them.

"What?" She looked down. "I found Chad. I found Chad and he's—"

"Chad?" My eyes glossed over.

"You're fucking lying." Amber accused her.

"No." She shook her head frantically.

"You're the killer," Richie said.

"No, I'm not!"

"Liv, stop!" Amber held her hands up, trying to stop the girl. She was crying and shaking, and she looked a complete mess. "Liv, just stop!"

"Fuck you!" Liv yelled. "Fuck you, Amber, I'm not the fucking killer!"

"I know." Amber let go of my shoulder and reached around, grabbing out a gun. She shot Liv in the head, and I watched as she flew back, her blood painting the walls.

"Welcome to act three," Amber smiled, pointing the gun at Sam. Just as she was about to pull the trigger, I grabbed her arm and forced it down. Everyone ran out of the room.

I fought with Amber, trying to grab the gun, but she was too strong. She shoved me to the floor, and I landed harshly. She pointed the gun at me, and I propped myself up with my arms, my chest rising and falling rapidly, looking up at her with fear.

"Oh, don't look at me like that, sweetheart." Amber walked over to me and knelt down.

"It was you? Why?" I breathed in, trying to stop the tears from falling. There were so many things I was feeling right now, and it all hurt so much.

"It's simple, really. You were always with them. I never got you to myself, until everything started." She sighed. "I knew you'd always pick Tara, so I needed her to get the fuck out of the way, along with anyone who tried to take you away from me."

"You couldn't have just asked me out like a normal person?"

"Where's the fun in that? This way, I'll have you all to myself. Forever. No one will stop me from having you. You're fucking mine, Scarlett."

"You're crazy." I shake my head.

"Maybe." The sound of a car pulling into the driveway made a small smirk find its way to Ambers life. "It seems as thought the OG's have arrived. I'll see you soon, my love."

And then everything went dark.

When I was younger, I used to have constant nightmares, up until I was sixteen, and then they just stopped, and I haven't had one since.

I'd be running through the forest, and I could feel eyes on me from all directions. I would be running, my legs would ache, my chest would burn, and every breath in felt like needles pricking my throat, but I couldn't stop.

I never knew what— or who— was chasing me, only that I needed to get away. That I couldn't stop, even for only a second, because then they'd get me.

I'd always wake up panting, my throat dry and my body aching as though I had been running through a forest, being chased by a fearsome monster.

I found myself once more running in the forest, the full moons light shinning down on me. My legs ached, and I wanted to stop and rest so badly, but I couldn't. This time, I knew who was chasing me.

The figure in the Ghostface costume, and they were catching up fast. Their speed so much greater than it had been in the past. I pushed myself, trying to block out the pain in my body as I pushed forward.

The only thought in my mind was to get out of the forest, and I'd be safe. They wouldn't be able to get me one I crossed over, out of the forest.

Up ahead, I could see a clearing. Two large trees stood on either side, making it seem like it was the gates of heaven, my sanctuary. My safe place.

I was almost there, I could make it. I just had to push myself farther. I felt as thought I would collapse at any moment, and just as I was about to make it, a hand grasped my hair, pulling me back.


That's never happened before.

My head pounded as I woke up, everything a blur. Until it wasn't, and I shot up, which wasn't the best idea, because I groaned and held my head in my hands.

"Oh, good, you're awake. Just in time." I looked up, seeing Amber walk into the room. I stood up quickly and backed up, walking away from her every step she took towards me.

As I went to take another step, my back collided with someone. I looked up and saw Richie. "Richie? Where's Sam?"

"In the kitchen," he answered plainly before shoving me into Amber. She caught my easily and grabbed my arm, leading me into the kitchen, where I saw Sam and. . . Sidney?

"Scarlett!" Sam gasped. Amber pushed me towards her and Sam grabbed me. "Oh, thank god you're okay. Are you hurt?" She looked over me, her hands on my shoulders, much to Amber's obvious displeasure.

"Hey, Amber, you wanna go get the very ex Mrs. Riley?" Richie asked, raising up a gun and pointing it at Sam. So he was the other Ghostface? I hate to admit it, but I kinda called it.

There was always something off about him, and if I was being honest, he did look crazy, like he'd do something exactly like this.

I just never saw Amber coming.

Mindfuck | Amber FreemanWhere stories live. Discover now