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14 | She's a killer

Amber Freeman was my safe space. She was the one person I could go to about anything and everything. She'd never judge, never made any snarky comment. She'd just let me talk, and she'd give me calm, calculated responses.

I wanted so badly to erase the things she's done, forget about them. But I knew I couldn't. I couldn't let her get what she wanted.

I stared down at her sleeping form, the metal in my hands heavy. All I had to do was one swipe, and she'd be gone. I'd have to clean the mess up, and find someway to hide everything from the cops.

My hands shook, and tears welled up in my eyes. Why can't I just do it? She killed my friends, all because she could. They were innocent, and she took them from me for her own sick pleasure.

My heart pounded in my chest. I had to work hard to control my breathing, or else I was going to have a panic attack. I didn't want to do this.

The tears fell down my face, and I knew I had to do this. Id forever feel the guilt of loving her and being with her, and I couldn't do that to my friends. Id hate myself, and thought I loved Amber dearly, I had to do this, not only for myself, but for my friends and family.

Who knew when she could snap and then kill them, or even me? I couldn't take that chance. She deserved this, I knew that.

She looked so ethereal, even when sleeping. She looked like an angel, and that kind of wanted to make me laugh, because she was anything but.

She was out like a light, so I wasn't worried about her waking up. Id made sure of that by crushing up a couple of sleeping pills and putting them in her drink earlier today.

I closed my eyes, breathing in deeply. When I opened them, I felt different. I had blocked everything off, and my mind was completely blank.

It was over before I knew it. The knife was covered in blood, and the liquid was everywhere. Staining my sheets, the blankets, pillows, and Ambers skin.

Her eyes had opened, and she looked panicked. She grabbed her throat, trying to stop the bleeding, but the cut was too deep.

I watched as she slowly went motionless. Her head fell back, her eyes now closed, and her hands fell to her side. A sob left my lips.

I had just killed her.

I had just killed the love of my life, and it hurt so, so bad. I felt like I couldn't breath, like all the oxygen in the room was sucked out. Like I was a fish out of water, flopping around on land.

But it needed to be done. She'd just keep killing. I knew she wouldn't stop. I had just saved the lives of god knows how many people.

I looked at her body numbly. She never would have expected it coming from me. That's why I knew, if anything, it would have to be me.

Now, it was time to pull a page from her book and get away with this.

"I love you." I whispered, then wiped the blood off of the knife with my right hand and dropped it, leaving the room to call Tara.

Mindfuck | Amber FreemanWhere stories live. Discover now