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10 | Master plan

A loud gasp of pain came from Gale as she was dragged into the kitchen, being forced down into a chair by Amber.

"You did all of this, for what? To make a better movie?" Sam scoffed. "How's Scarlett going to help you with that?"

"Oh, she's not. She's the final girl, sure, but you're going to be the villain. The daughter of Billy Loomis who sees fucked-up visions of her dead dad. Sidney Prescott killed your father. You did all this just to get her back to Woodsboro."

"You know what the biggest problem with the stab movies is? There's no Micheal Myers or Jason Voorhees. No bad guy to keep coming back." Amber walked over, holding her knife against Sidney's throat. "But the illegitimate daughter of the original mastermind? Now that's a fucking villain."

"How did you know?"

"Aw, about your father? I mean it's a small town, and your moms a drunk. I met Richie on the Stab subreddit. I've been obsessed ever since my parents bought this house. We realized pretty quickly we had similar ideas."

"Wasn't that hard for me to find you in Modesto. It wasn't that hard for me to fuck you, either."

Without realizing what I was about to do, my hand came up and slapped him across the face, making him stumble back and hit his back against the counter. He looked up at me with wide eyes, his cheek already getting red.

"You fucking bitch!"

Amber turned to him, her eyes narrowed. She held the gun she had in her hand up, pointing it at him. "What did I tell you?"

He scowled and turned back to Sam. "But it wouldn't just work with you, Sam. See, we had to bring back the legacy characters to make it matter. Can't have a bona fide Halloween without Jamie lee! Dewey had to die to make it real," Amber explained, a sickening light in her eyes as she spoke. "To show that this wasn't just some bullshit, cash-in, run-of-the-mill sequel. Because our movie has fucking stakes!"

Amber backed up. "Cause anyone can die in a requel."

Sidney, taking her chance, ran to the island in front of us, reaching for a knife, but Amber was quicker, and stabbed Sidney in the stomach. Sam went to go to her, but Richie was quick to aim the gun at her.

Sidney stood up, her legs shaky. Amber walked towards her, smiling. "I'm so happy I get to be the one who kills you. It's an honor, really." And then, Amber reached up and slit Sidney's throat.

The woman's eyes widened as she gripped her throat, trying to stop the blood flow. I heard a scream, and I could only imagine it to be from Gale, but I just stood there in shock.

She was the one who always survived. The one who always went up against the odds and beat ghostface. I turned away, afraid that if I looked any longer, everything I ate today would come up.

"Scarlett," Sam whispered into my ear, standing to the side of me, making sure to whisper it low enough so I was the only person who heard it. "You need to run. Okay?"

"No, Sam, I can't leave you." I shook my head.

"You have to. Run, find Tara, and call the cops. Okay? Come on, you have to, before it's too late." She gentle nudged me. I looked over, seeing Amber and Richie conversing, seemingly going over something.

Taking in a deep breath, I sprinted into the foyer and up the stairs, hearing multiple curses and footsteps after me. I looked around, not sure where I should hide.

I took off into Ambers parents room, sliding under the bed and holding my hand against my mouth, trying to quite my breathing.

My heart was going a mile a minute, and even more so when the floorboards creaked right outside of the room. A pair of boots came into view, much larger than Ambers, so I'm guessing Richie was the one to come after me.

They walked around the room, and then after what seemed like forever, he left the room and disappeared around the corner. I waited several minutes before I slid out, creeping towards the door.

Just as I crossed over the threshold, a hand grabbed me and shoved me against the wall. "You're a slippery bitch, you know that?" Richie glared at me, his hand going around my throat, cutting off my airway. "I'm getting really tired of you. So, I think I'm just going to kill you, tell Amber you just couldn't handle the betrayal. It got too much."

All of a sudden, his body bolted forward, and blood spilled down and around his neck profusely. His hand loosened against my throat, and I watched as his body dropped to the floor with a loud thump.

Amber stood, leaning against the stairway railing, a gun in her hand. "Should've just done that sooner." She sighed, tilting her head. "Now that's it's over," she put the gun away, "we need to talk."

"Where's Sam?" I got out, tears prickling my eyes. I've been holding everything in so far, and it was building up, and I was going to crack soon, and everything would come out.

"In the kitchen. Or the afterlife," she shrugged, "technically both. That's not what we're going to talk about, though. Soon, the police are going to be arriving, and you need to stick with the plan, you got me?"

"And why the fuck would I do?" My eyes narrowed, my hands going to the wall behind me to steady myself. I felt like I was going to pass out.

"I saved Tara, Chad, and Mindy for you. The twins don't know, and Tara would take some convincing, but ultimately she cares for you more than Sam. If you don't agree, I will kill them, and you're family, and I will take you somewhere very far away from here. Doesn't going along with the plan seem like a better alternative?"

A sob left my throat, and I tried not to collapse, though my knees wanted to give out so badly. "No, baby, don't cry." Amber walked over to me, her hands coming to rest of either side of my jaw. "It's okay. I'm not going to hurt them if you just cooperate."

"That doesn't change the fact that you killed the other people I care about!"

She snorted, "like who?"


"You guys were barley even friends anymore. You've been driving since sophomore year."

"That doesn't mean he wasn't my friend or that I didn't care about him! And Cole, he was my friend, too, wether we talked a lot or not."

"Oh, please. He was just the stereotypical school bad boy who was just trying to get in your pants. If anything, I did you a favor. I don't doubt he would've tried to take advantage of you."

"So, what? You just expect everything to go back to normal after this? That we'll be what— one happy friend group?" I was confused. Either she was delusional, or she was delusional.

"Of course not. Me and you are going to be so much more than friends." She walked closer to me, kicking Richies lifeless body out of the way.

"I don't want to be more than friends."

"Well, too fucking bad. I did all of this for us, and I'm not letting it go to waste because you don't want to listen. I know you've always felt something for me, you were just too scared to admit it, and I know that right now, your feelings haven't changed, even after everything I've done."

"Feelings can't just change that fast." She was right. I've always had a crush on her, since we were little, in fact, but I was always too scared to admit it, even after we became closer last year. I didn't want to risk the chance of loosing our friendship.

Though, now that I think back on it, I was really naive. I recall her always shooting death stares at anyone who would come too close to me for her liking, and the way she'd always be touching me.

"And they won't. They'll become more intense. Because you will love me, or I'll make you. I don't mind, either way." She stepped back, looking towards the storage closet. "Now, do you agree? You'll follow the plan?"

I took a moment to think. Slowly, but hesitantly, I nodded. Because what other choice do I have? I love my family too much, and I wasn't selfish. I'd do anything for them, even making myself suffer.

"Good girl."

Mindfuck | Amber FreemanWhere stories live. Discover now