Chapter 1 : Welcome Home

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1st of JULY

Her black hat pulled low over her face Hayley Parker makes her way down the Dutton Ranch drive. Dust covering her boots, her long brown hair pulled into a low ponytail, just like old times. She looks around at the valley surrounding her. Green, just the way it was when she left. Her eyes drift to the large house. She grins pulling her bag over her shoulder, she runs toward the house kicking dust up around her. Then she sees them,the Dutton children standing on the grass, bickering loudly. As she gets closer she notice only three of the four Dutton children standing ahead.

Lee sees her first "Hayley" he whispers hoarsley, his eyes wide.

"What are you on about" shouts Beth.

Then Jamie's eyes widen in shock as if he's not quite sure if what he's seeing is real.

"Miss me" Hayley hollers running towards them.

Beths body becomes rigid when Hayleys voice reaches her ears. Hayley flys forwards into Lee's arms, he clings onto her breathing in her scent deeply. Beth stands frozen a few feet behind them,her pale brown eyes locked on Hayley. Jamie runs his hand over his hair looking between the others. Hayley turns to look at Beth ,her eyes hopeful. Beths shoulders relax when Hayley wraps her arms around her.

"Where did you go? Where were you?" Asks Jamie his voice cracking slightly.

Hayley looks at the three of them, letting out a shaky breath she replies "gone". She picks her bag back up slinging it over her shoulder. "Well I could do with a beer and a feed" she grins at them.

"I'm going to work" Beth says stalking towards a black car in the drive. She speeds down the drive leaving Hayley and her brothers in the dust.

Jamie grabs Hayleys bag off her shoulder. "Get on girl" Lee says stooping low, as Hayley jumps onto his back.

"Yeehaw" hollers Hayley, Lee and Jamie both laugh as they make their way towards the house. John Dutton appears in the doorway of the house. His face creased with age, he smiles at Hayley.

"Welcome back" John says smiling at Hayley.

"Got any work for me Boss" Hayley grins.

Glancing Lee and Jamie, he nods "Boys go on inside,Hayley and I need to have a chat". Jamie's eyes flick between his father and Hayley, Lee walks up the stairs glancing back at Hayley, Jamie following in his wake.

"You went to prison didn't you?" John asked, Hayley nods. "You know what that means don't you"

"The Brand" she answers looking him dead in the eye.

"Tonight" he nods "Get on down to the bunkhouse, there'll be some people happy to see you" John smiles.

"Thank you sir" Hayley grabs her bag, turning to run down the hill. Breathing in the fresh air, she runs towards the bunk house.

Hayley freezes staring at a man in a dark hat, Rip looks up meeting her eyes. "Hayley" he says shocked by her sudden appearance on the ranch.

"Hi Rip" Hayley grins wrapping her arms around him.

"You, your back?" He says looking at her "for good?"

"Yes sir, I get my brand tonight" Hayley chirps happily.

"What" a voice says behind her, her body ignites warmth running through her. She turns to face him, Kayce.

"I'm getting the brand and now you can't stop me" she snaps, glaring at him. " I'm gonna go get drunk with the guys now ,see ya Rip" Hayley walks towards the door ignoring Kayce. Kicking the door open she grins, there they are the Wranglers she had left playing poker. Colby looks up from his cards.

" Holy shit" he yells throwing his cards in the air and leaping across the table. The other Wranglers turn around, shouting random shit. Ryan and Colby grabbing her into bear hugs, Lloyd kissing her cheek and pulling her to his chest. Other Wranglers shouting cheers of welcome home. Then she notices one boy silently staring.

"And who in the hell is this scrawny motherfucker" Hayley says walking over to him.

"Jimmy" the other wranglers yell laughing.

"Well hi Jimmy, I'm Hayley nice to meet ya"

"H-hi" Jimmy stutters to her.

"Don't mind these bastard I've known 'em a while, and I still wanna murder 'em half the time" she chuckles "anyway where's my beer"

● ● ●

The sun begins setting over the Yellowstone. Hayley stands up from her seat at the table stretching " I'm gonna take a walk" she says striding towards the door, ignoring the Wranglers whines. Stepping into the evening air she hears someone riding, hooves clopping music to her ears. She walks around the barn. Kayce sits upon a gorgeous stallion, clicking quietly at the horse as it trots in circles. She stands on the fence watching, he finally notices her.

Smiling he laughs "thought you hate me".

"Oh I do" she replies sweetly, smiling "but I suppose I can tolerate you". Kayce grins jumping off the stallion.

"Well ain't that a relief" he says smugly, pushing the gate open and leading the horse back to the barn. Watching him go, Hayley sighs walking towards the paddocks. The air smells of rain, the fresh type that only comes in county lands. The grass dewy, water clinging to her red and black boots. Hayley sits on a large rock folding her legs neatly beneath her, staring at the pale pink and orange sunset.

● ● ●

Hayley kicks off her boots, pushing open the door of the bunkhouse. The boys still sitting around the table, cards in hand. She walks over to the table standing behind Jimmy. He gasps when she leans closer to look over his shoulder at the cards. She looks at him frowning. "What the hell was that" Hayley questions cocking a brow.

"Jimmy's a virgin" answers Ryan not looking up from his cards.

"Ohhhhh" Hayley laughs "Well let's get this over with" she tugs at her belt.

The Wranglers erupt, shouting at her to stop. Hayley looks at them her jeans unbuttoned, she raises her eyebrows at the sudden outburst.

"What? May as well get it over and done" Hayley says unbuttoning her shirt. She looks at them, they are all staring away. "What is you deal" she shouts.

"Kayce" mumbles Colby.

"Kayce what?" She yells her anger flaring.

"He said hands off or he'll cut our dicks off" blurts Jimmy.

"He what?" She snaps, the Wranglers stay silent. She looks around at them, then pulls her shirt off. Standing their in her lacy black bra she watches them as they all stare at the floor. "Pussies" she snaps walking towards the bathroom.

● ● ●

Laying on her bed, Ryan massaging her feet Hayley prepares herself for the scar that will soon be with her for the rest of her life. Rip and Lloyd left fifteen minutes ago, getting things ready she assumes.

Rip and Lloyd walk back through the door, nodding at her. "C'mon Jimmy" calls Lloyd, as Hayley pulls on her boots. Jimmy follows Hayley out the door behind Rip and Lloyd.

The fire burning lighting the area around it lit orange in the dim moonlight. The Y-poker layingng in the burning coal, glowing red. The grey smoke drifting through the dark sky "ready?" Rip asks pulling the poker from the coals.

"Mmhm" Hayley says pulling her shirt to the side, revealing the top her chest. Lloyd places a stick between her teeth, wrapping his arms around her shoulders she bites down on the stick. Rip looks her in the eyes, she nods. The metal connects with her skin the smell of burning flesh wafts through the air. He pulls the poker away revealing the Y in her skin, she hisses spitting out the stick. 

"Welcome home Hayley" Rip says half a smirk on his face.

"Home at last" she says smiling.

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