Chapter 26 - The Jewel

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Shifting crowds of perusing merchants and hardworking sailors were parted upon the bow of the recently arrived group; the restless perseverance of the daemon prowling in plain sight swiftly trodded between winding trails of busy bodies and countless eruptions of offers and sales, the very essence of the renowned Port Zekson. Each concentrated sense refracting over each and every word of interest or importance; the usual gathers of casual talk between patient salesmen a plenty sometimes passing to the group themselves, such as autonomy, which only brought a particular daemonic lizard to mind. In additon to that, it was learned from the neaby moping of an experienced sailor that the Abbey had garnered full control over the major expanse of the endless ocean; controlling the flow of people, goods, and even information.

Exactly what the great Sea Fortress; Vortigern, was used for.

After the instant refusal of a Samurai's idea to make money off of potentially selling Dyle's tails should they regrow - no mind the definite shut down of cooking them for meals at Laphicet's wandering thoughts - the crew came across that same merchant from before who had assisted them in their docking. Waiting absent-mindedly aside a warehouse, the mysterious sailor relayed how another seemingly great big shot of the fiendish pirate life, had been stumped and captured by the valiant Royal Navy; scoring another tally upon the four grand Pirate Kings of the world, leaving only Aifread and his crew as the last who reign free over rocking azure waters.

"For a merchant, you really seem to like these pirates," Velvet inferred with a contemplative narrow of her eyes, and the sailor shuffled with a broad grin and confident posture.

Eizen stepped in, vouching for the long-lasting presumed ally of the Van Eltia's infamous crew, "He may be crooked but money's not all he's after. If profit was his only desire, he could have made more by selling us out."

With a great exhaling snicker at this valued allegiance, the dock trader scratched his head and explained the simple goal; "But that'd be too boring, don't you think? The fun's in making a killing by breaking the rules."

Slapping the sailor's shoulder with a laugh of respect, the battle-hungry Yaksha grinned widely at such a reason, "You're a funny guy!" the man appreciably chuckled.

"And that's why Aifread goes through him whenever we need to dock here."

Velvet shuffled with thought, but the strange sailor seemed to be trusted to their upmost secrecy by the biggest pirate of the seas; no reason for concern. So, she dropped her frown, "Hmm... Well, I can't say I've ever met a human like him." A clear of a throat racked from the side, and she sighed tiredly at the meaningless reminder. "You're different. Much more annoying," the daemoness huffed with a turned back.

"Thought so, better get used to it, moody," Sarid graciously accepted with a flash of expectancy to an extra bitter remark, however as the group began to part away from the cheery merchant, there was an obvious growl emitted from their wrathful daemon at front. "...Kidding," he retracted with a nervous smile. Soon after, the ravenette stepped off with a silent shake of her flowing mane, until a playful yapping sounded just next to the half-malak and gifted more than what was figured.

"I can attest! You are definitely quite the strange one~," Magilou sang with joy at terrorising the man before zipping off and out of distance, Sarid almost failing to relent at the urge of swiping her pompous headwear.

However, as the band of misfits aimed to take the direct front gate perpendicular to the harbour, a cross of spears barred their way, a pair of soldiers reprimanding the pathway as off-limits, along with any pathways off north. "If you are here for the ceremony, you'll want to take the Danann Highway south to Loegres."

Continuing down the branching banks of the stone docks, they split off and under a great arch up above, sighting a parting roadway that held more important wears and locations. At the left, residing under a curving and striped stall tent, was a special merchant with various items of weaponry displayed upon tables and resting within a large carrier sack withdrawn at their back. Whereas, on the left, stood a fairly popular Inn that would be handy for any rest times at their return to port. And finally, at the direct front, was a large while also approachable gate freely accessed by the sea-like flow of merchants at its path.

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