Chapter 31 - Contract

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The sun glowered from distant skies, its ever shining gaze beginning to falter, as this heavenly body steadily sank downwards over the horizon. As its weary glare fell to a glint below soothing blue ablaze, the chorus of shuffling steps scraping upon coloured, patterned stone clicked over the city centre. Light fading ever swifter above this faithful capital, the tireless group approached the tavern with the mumbles of conversation breaking the silent courtyard square.

Clicking in a stretch and a rushing exhale, the Samurai grinned gleefully as he plodded along, "What a fight!" Rokurou erupted, smirking as the man recounted their battled. "Although, still nothing compared to that code red daemon!" Air rumbled with his satisfied chuckles. "The Abbey wasn't lying, those really are some special opponents."

"Either way, we dealt with it quickly," the Reaper affirmed, arms crossed. "But don't let your guard down, they'll only get stronger from here on."

Nevertheless, the yaksha was prideful and proud, the pumping adrenaline of battle fuelling every tank of energy. "I said I'd protect you, didn't I Velvet? You won't have to worry with me around."

Scowling at the front, the daemoness in question blew off his act with a dismissive wave, "I already said, I didn't ask for your protection."

Rokurou remained undeterred, his warrior heart unable to fade, no matter the blighted skin it resides underneath. "You don't have to!"

"When did you become a gentleman?" A voice playfully mocked with a crooked brow at his side. Laughter pushing forth, the Samurai stepped to the side of the teetering half-malak, budging cloaked shoulders as Rokurou fiendishly stroked his chin in theoretical thought.

"Well, I expected you to be the prim and proper one there, Sarid," he stated with a lidded gaze, as the next words ripped the smirk from the man's face. "Urgh, be careful everyone, stay vigilant and I'll protect you, ergh." To top it all off, the goading warrior finished his mockery with a fake, choking cough, leaning back and away as it turned into a covered snicker.

Having all sense of humour swiped from his expression, the unfortunate man looked on blankly. This dire look only worsened, as the timid yet sharp giggles of the young malak aside, began to ring his eardrums. "...You don't need to ask," he lowly relented with a roll of eyes, at which Eizen huffed a chuckling exhale.

"As if."

Eventually, Velvet's boots clacked upon stone one last time as she turned with an inquisitive look, embroidered by mild irritation. "Since when were you all friends?" she asked with tapping annoyance.

Sarid sank slightly, a steady blow of exhaustion already seeping through moreso from the unending chatter of these misfits. "I wouldn't quite say 'friends'..." he mumbled dryly, the grip over scabbard increasing with abrupt force as the Samurai dumped a heavy hand upon his back with a wolfish grin.

"Welp, you're stuck with us!"

"...Permission to change my mind and leave?"

Catching the simmering glint of mixed emotion under violet, the daemoness huffed with a flicking palm and stepped towards the tavern doors.


Laconic, Velvet relished in the further groan of annoyance already shifted for the half-breed to bear with her rejection.

Dusted winds shrouded rooftops, a thin veil to the dusk that now slithered throughout trails of settlements, only encompassing the warmth of the welcoming Inn as the daemon's shredded shadow passed between creaking doors. With the daylight to scorn their contracts falling, the precipice of night came to signal each one's completion; much to the impression of the tavern owner.

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