info part 16

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Name:neo politan(former name:trivia vanille)

Name:neo politan(former name:trivia vanille)

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likes:like canon

dislikes:like canon

love interest:yang xiao long branwen

semblance:overactive imagination


mask:shadow joker's

vigilante appearance:queens outfit from kaitou joker

weapons:shadow joker umbrella like hush neo's weapon with a blade


personality:as long as neo could remember she did not have great childhood in her life both of her parents hated her because of her crying so they cut out her tongue so her parents then they dead and she ran away and living on the streets and she have nowhere to go then out nowhere she meet roman who was about 4 years older then her and roman payed her ice cream for her and asked who she is and she wrote Neapolitan and roman said neo uh will i'm roman nice to meet you neo and feel free to call me big bro or something else you can think of k also i will tech you the rope of being a criminal so what do say oh uh sorry and i have a book on sign language so here you go then for the past 2 years she begone to see roman as a father he has showed her how to survive,steal and kill when she turned 10 years old and 14,will this is going to be another good heist said roman but then she felt something she felt in a long time fear then she and roman hear a voice behind them when they turned around and they saw a faunus of some kind be she scared of him then he was talking and asking if roman and his partner in crime and they both nodded their heads and roman said yes we are and who are you then the said wolf faunus stepped out of the shadow's and said my is zen-aku leader of the black fang and i have a feeling that in the near future well be allies also here is your group symbol and i'll send two of my members to join you but they will undercover with said i will take my leave and roman asked why then zen-aku stop and turned around and said because their will be a every powerful evil and everyone will need to be ready also here something so you two can so fight and fare well you two i have a feeling we will meet again and just like that he is gone then neo turned her head to roman and has a feeling he was thinking the same thing.

attire:like canon

group:thieving foxes,second in command.

group:thieving foxes,second in command

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tittle name:silent shadow,deadly assassin,the mad hatter,

nick name:neo(by everyone).pint of ice cream(by roman).silent assassin(by merrick,qrow,weiss,nora and yang).

2nd appearance:like canon

3rd appearance:like canon

1st base form:kamen rider jeanne.

1st final form:invincible jeanne

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1st final form:invincible jeanne.

1st final form:invincible jeanne

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