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Years passed, and the playful chaos of Madhavan's presence filled the palace with a newfound joy. Yet, a quiet tension simmered beneath the surface. Queen Gandhari, Madhavan's mother, remained blindfolded since the day of her marriage,a vow she had taken to share her husband Dhritarashtra's blindness. The royal court awaited the birth of the second born prince.

A sweet child of 8 years old sits vigil in front of a cave, disregarding the effect of the worsening weather. An old man comes in his direction and swiftly lifts him up in his arms.He asks, "What are you doing here Putra? The weather is worsening you can't stay here. Come let's leave."The boy smiles, his beautiful visage lit like the stars and replies, "No Pitamah, I will not leave now. Rishivar said that the first of my brothers will be born today. I will not abandon him to this weather." "Oh my sweet child, them lets get some shelter"replies the boys Pitamah.

Wild winds howling in the sky, oceans rising over the limits, crows in flocks circling above, dark clouds blocking every spec of light. At such a time a cry was heard, a cry of a newborn, a cry of a prince, a cry of brother.

With the presence of all the bad omens, the son of Maharaj Dhritarashtra and Maharani Gandhari, brother of Adheep, SUYODHANA was born.

Adheep, still too young to understand the gravity of the situation, looked at his new brother with wide, curious eyes. He reached out a chubby hand, eager to introduce himself to this strange, quiet little being. And so, amidst the unsettling rumours and worried glances, a bond between the two brothers began to form, a bond that would shape the future of Hastinapur in ways none could have predicted.

Ved Vyasa checked his horoscope and along with the omens of weather declared that the child is a bad omen and will be the destruction of Aryavarta. Freaked out he was asked for a solution. The only solution was to kill the child at birth. Pitamah Bhism, the grandfather of the new born was conflicted. Even the wise uncle Mahamantri Vidur wanted the child to be killed.

Angry at the accusations of the elders for his newborn anuj Shivansh vows,"No-one can be judged for their birth. Accusations cannot be made on what one could do in the future. A newborn is sinless and I will make sure my anuj remains so. Anyone who wants to kill my Anuj has to go through me!"Seeing the wisdom in the voice of the eldest Gandharinandan, the firm defence of Gandhari herself, the clear love in the face of Dhritarashtra, the others conceded.

Within the next 100 days Dhaartharaashtra had 100 more little brothers and 1 little sister. Their Agraja vows to protect and cherish them.


How is the big bro??hmmmm  

*I always wanted one*

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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