seventeen // m.e

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Chapter 17.

I was walking down the hall and saw Matt at his locker talking to some of his friends. He looked up at me and I lightly smiled and waved. He gave me a look and then went right back to talking...

- three days later -

Matt hasn't been talking to me a lot lately. It's making me a little sad.. I heard a knock on my balcony window and opened it to see Matt. He came in, "Hey baby." He said while kissing my neck. He was holding me around my waist and was pulling at the hem of my shirt. I tried to push him off of me, "Matt.. stop it." He kept going. Ignoring what I was saying, "Matt.. I said.." I paused pushing him off me, "Stop it." He hit the wall I pushed him into. He looked at me weird, "What's wrong with you today?" He walks over to me and I sat on the edge of my bed. He sat next to me and put his hand on my thigh, "Seriously babe what's wrong with you all of a sudden?" I push his hand off my thigh and stand up, "What's wrong with you, Matt? You're with me the other day and then you leave for a 'family dinner'. Then you ignore me for the past couple of days and now you want me to have sex with you?" He grabs both of my hands, "Look.. baby, I just don't want people to say anything to you about what you and I have and what we do. I just want you all to myself when it's you and I. Show you how much." He paused kissing my neck then he whispers, "I appreciate you an I."


292 words // 47% battery

So how do you feel about Matt? By the way, might start that YouTube channel I was asking y'all about. what should I name it?

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