Chapter 22: Start of I-Island Expo

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(3rd pov.)

'These past to two weaks were boring.' Izuku thought on the plane to I-Island. 'Kirishima did come so my group if Toga, Kirishima, and myself. Lets hope that trouble for once dose not fallow class 1-A.' Izuku and his two campaigns are on a plane with I-Island in sight. "Looks like we will be landing soon. Buckle up you two." Izuku said to his campaigns. 15 minutes later and they were on the ground waling out from the landing zone.

"Why did you guys exactly invite me?" Kirishima asked to Izuku and Toga.

"Well you are a good friend, as for why we are here I manly want to see my uncle and cousin, but I do like looking at the inventions." Izuku said.

"Ya, and I at least want to have a good relationship with some of Izuku's family and extended family." Toga stated.

"Okay then where shall we go?" Kirishima asked.

"If I remember correctly and it did not change we a re heading to David's lab." Izuku said.

"Wait your uncle has a lab here? Who is he?" Kirishima asked.

"David Shield, one of the head inventors here and former side kick to All Might when he was in America." Izuku stated nonchalantly.

"What! Lets get going." Toga said trying to drag Izuku off to somewhere.

"Stop trying to drag me. I should know where it is, but if I know the Yagis they will be there right now so lets go around." Izuku said wanting to at all costs avoid his past.

(With the Yagis)(didn't see this one coming hu)-----

The Yagis were currently in David's catching up.

"Do you guys have any news of Izuku?" David asked. "I have been working on some support items that should help quirkless people be underground heros at least, mainly for my daughter here, but they should work for Izuku to."

"Uhh How have you been these past few years my friend?" All Might asked coughing slightly.

"I Have been good." Dave said. 'Why did they avoid the topic of Izuku' He also thought. "How about Izumi and Melissa go out and explore the Expo, and see if you can meet up with your feinds that went off on their own."

"Sure thing. Lets go Izumi." Melissa said getting up and walking away from the room. Once they were out of the room All Might deflated.

"You have been getting a shorter and shorter time limit. How long can you hold it?" David asked.

"About two hours." All Might said.

"Okay come with me I want to run some tests." David said standing up fowled by All Might and Inko.

(with Melissa and Izumi)(they just came across the mountain robot challenge)

'Wo I never thought so many of my class mates would be here.' Izumi thought, 'oh I wonder if we will find any more over here.' Izumi and Melissa stopped at the railing to look into the challenge zone. There they saw Kirishima running around destroying the bots as fast as he could. 'What Kirishima he is not part of any major family.' Izumi though looking at him go through the challenge.

"Hey Izumi do you know him?" Asked Melissa.

"Ya he is one of my class mates." Izumi stated.

"Two minutes for the challenge an impressive feet for a non-hero." the announcer stated. Kirishima then made his way back up to the stands and sat next to Toga who, until now, went unnoticed. The next challenger was Katsuki who got 1 minute 35. Then came Shoto, who cover the mountain in ice, getting 59.09 seconds. After that to Izumi's and Melissa surprise out came Izuku.

"Hey that girl sitting next to you class mate and the boy down there, weren't they the ones who won first place in the sports festival?" Melissa asked.

"Yep." Izumi answered and then looked back to the field.

"And Start." The announcers shouted. In less then five seconds all the bots were impaled by spikes made of shadows.

"Call it." Izuku stated.

"Ah... WHAT!!! 3.01 seconds. That is the fastest of them all and a new record." the announcer shouted out. With that Izuku went back up to his friends to prepare to leave, but Izuku saw Izumi and Melissa and decided to go see them, mainly Melissa.

"Ayo." Izuku said walking over to them.

"Oh! You were the one that won the sports festival. Are you one of Izumi's class mates?" Melissa asked.

"Unfortunately yes." Izuku said.

"Wait why unfortunately. Also my name is Melissa Shield nice to meet you..." Melissa left off holding her hand to shake.

"Oh yes Izuku, Izuku Derago. And is that really how you greet your cousin?" Izuku asked.

"Wait what do you meant cousin. I only have two of them and one of them is missing." Melissa said.

"Wait missing, Izumi did you not tell her what you did to me or that he has been found?" Izuku asked exasperated.

"What dose he mean what you did to Izuku, and why did you say me?" Melissa asked back away from both of them.

"Oh Izumi here her parents, the Todoroki , and Bakugo twins beat me because I was quirkless like you are still." Izuku stated glaring at Izumi.

"Izumi is that true?" quested Melissa. "And who are you?"

"Tell her Izumi, confess to your crimes, how you bellied and suicided batted your own brother. Do it Or I will tell her." Izuku stated with a scarily calm voice. Izumi, who at this point was crying, spoke out.

"Look I now know what I did was wrong, but wont you just for give us and come home with us Nii-san?" Izumi asked.

"Wait your Izuku Yagi? Why did you not tell me you found him!?" Melissa shouted. Izumi did not answer because she was on her knees crying.

"It is because what they found is not Izuku. I was Izuku Yagi, but I left that name behind when I left my blood behind I am now Izuku Derago King of Dragons." Izuku said. Melissa immediately went and hugged Izuku getting a small growl from Toga. Izuku hearing the growl decided to introduce Toga. "Ah yes Melissa this here is Toga Himiko, my future wife/mate."

"Oh I remember you. The last time Izuku visited, which I believe was a years or so after he turned four he told me about you. Nice to see you have him, but promises me that you will take care of him." Melissa said.

"Nice to finally meet part of his family that is nice." Toga said.

"Oh do you want to go see dad so you can both of us at the same time?" Melissa asked.

"Ya sure that would be easier." stated Izuku. With that Izuku, Toga, Melissa, and Kirishima walked away leaving a crying Izumi with the Todorokis and Bakugos.

(1144 words)

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