Chapter 18: Sports Festival

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(A.N. sorry for not publishing sooner. warning I am not good at fight scenes,)

"Ok class everyone go get ready, and line up for the festival." Azawa said walking to go join PM in the enounce box. Izuku Teleported himself and Toga to there room to get changed.

"What do you guys think of Toga now?" Izumi asked.

"Well she may look different but she is still the same." Kirishima said.

"She did not change mentally, but I am considered the fact that their souls are now intertwined. I mean he did avoid telling us what would happen." Ida said.

"I personally like how Toga looks, it's just like Derago, the two of them are meant to be together." Mina said.

"They are, but what would happen if one of them is hurt, wont the other go sico mode?" Ojiro said voicing his concern.

"If they had that little control then they would not be aloud to participate on the festival." Ida said.

"Sure... what every you say." Ojiro replied. With that they went off to change and head out.

(small time skip, inside stadium)

"WELCOME LADIES AND GENATALMEN TOTHE UA SPORTS FESTIVAL. I AM YOUR HOST PERSENT MIC WITH CLASS 1-A HOMEROOM TEACHER ERASURHEAD. LET US START TO INTRODUCE THE STARS OF THIS FESTIVAL." PM shouted of the microphone. " WE HAVE THE CLASS THE FOUGHT OFF VILANS BOTH 1-A AND 1-B. THEN WE HAVE GENERAL STUDYS 1-C 1-D, AND 1-E. AFTER THAT WE HAVE SUPORT DEPARTMENT CLASSES 1-F, 1-G, AND 1-H. GVE IT UP FOR OUR FIRST YEARS! AND FOR OUR LOVELY JUDEG WE HAVE MIDNIGHT." When Midnight came onto the stage swaying her hips many of the males in the audience started to blush. Toga, of course, looked at Izuku to see where he was looking. What she did not expect was that he was looking at the ground, like a good boyfriend.

"Welcome, can I have Izuku Derago to come up and give the opening speech.?" Midnight said, causing Izuku to start walking up the stage steps.

"I would like for everyone to try their hardest, to play it fare, and to go beyond, PLUSE UlTRA." Izuku said with last bit being screamed by everyone.

"A short but true speech. Now then for the first three events we have the..." Midnight paused to spin the wheel. "Obstacle Race! You must going around the stadium and get through the obstacles. Now then line up... get ready... and go!" Midnight finished. Shoto and Shoka froze the ground trapping most people. but after two-three minutes everyone was up in running, all except two. They were holding hands and kissing.

"Ah Erasurehead aren't those two in your class?" PM asked over the speakers.

"Yes they are. Why?" Azawa said turning his head to look at the entrance. "O... well they are basically engaged to each other do to Derago's Toga's? Quirk. You see because Derago is a dragon... quirk, he had a mate more or less assigned to him. Granted they did like each other befor, but his quirk is different." Azawa said.

"Okay... but why are they kissing in the middle of the festival?" PM said.

"Just wait and see." Azawa said with a smirk on his face.

"Okay, Oh and it looks like Shoto Todoroki, Katsuki Bakugo, and Izumi Yagi are all tied for first and are nearing the beginning of the third obstacle, which are fake land mines with flashy explosions." PM said.

(Toga and Izuku)

"So do you want to fly or just teleport to the end?" Izuku asked.

"Just teleport us there. I want to keep as many things secret from the other countenance." Toga said.

"They are now nearing the end of the mine field!" PM said.

"Well then time to go." Izuku said. Izuku then grabbed hold of Toga's hand and shadow stepped to the finish line.

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