A Warm Bed

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As you began to nap inside the clothing's pocket, a thought kept popping into your head: sitting inside Ashley's mouth. Everytime the thought entered your mind, you'd immediately wake yourself up and try to put the thought out of your head. But the thought always came back and you eventually realized that there was only one way to stop it.

When Ashley finally reached her home, she took you out of her pocket and placed you on her bedside table. You immediately turned back to see the lovely girl staring down at you with a bright smile. You immediately began sweating and swallowed nervously.

Ashley: I said I wasn't gonna hurt you, why are you still so nervous?

You swallowed a second time, this time a bit harder.

Y/N: Well you know, I've never been in this kind of position before, it's all new to me.

Ashley: Well just relax, everything's gonna be fine, trust me. Now, I'm gonna go get changed. Don't even think about peaking in!

You swallowed a third time, harder than ever before. You could practically feel your neck shifting as you did so.

Y/N: I won't. I promise.

Ashley went to get changed into her sleeping outfit, while you laid down in a comfortable position. When Ashley came out, she was dressed in brown nightwear. As much as you tried to hide it, the sight made you blush.

Ashley: Well, I'm going to sleep now. See you in the morning.

Ashley then turned the lights off and went to bed. Once you were sure she was asleep, you leaped onto her bed and walked up to her head. Her mouth lay agape as she slept on her left side, heavy breathes flowed from the dental cavern. For a moment, you stared inside her mouth in amazement.

Y/N: (I have to admit that the human mouth is a very fascinating organ. I think I would say that regardless of whether or not a giant girl nearly downed my entire body).

Eventually, the urge to get inside was too much to hold back. Gently putting your hands on her soft lips, you slid your body between her teeth and into her mouth. Once you were in, you laid down against the soft, pillow-like tongue as it sat in the sideways mouth. Putting your head to the muscle, you were taken aback by how soft it was. It wasn't like you didn't think a human tongue would be soft, but Ashley's tongue was softer and cozier than you could have ever imagined. You began to lovingly caress it, feeling the tiny taste buds as your hands ran across the thick, wet surface.

This caressing triggered an involuntary reaction from the sleeping Ashley as the back of her tongue fell down and her uvula flicked upward to let a soft laugh ring out from her voice box. Saliva strings stretched out and broke in the throat as it stretched out. Her tongue curled up around you, emitting the sloshing and popping sounds of saliva, as Ashley closed her mouth and turned onto her back in her sleep. This caused you to shift your position on her tongue, pushing your backside, feet and elbows into the flexible muscle, to prevent yourself from sliding down her throat. You could really get a sense for how soft Ashley's tongue was as it shifted to accommodate for the pressure you were putting on it, making you feel all warm and tingly inside. You then looked down towards her throat to see the opening shrink and expand as she slept.

Y/N: That was close… too close. I don't want to become a midnight snack for Ashley… yet.

As much as you wanted to sleep inside Ashley's mouth, you knew it would be best to sleep on the bedside table for now. Besides, you didn't want Ashley to find you sleeping in her mouth. So you carefully pried her jaws open and walked back to the table, where you laid down on the hardwood and slept with pleasant thoughts about the warm insides of Ashley's mouth.

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