The Confession

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Morning eventually came to wake you from your maw-filled dreams. As you got up from your sleeping position, Ashley began to wake as well. She turned over towards you and gave a big, loud yawn that allowed you to see all the way inside her mouth. Immediately, your escapade last night came back to you and you began to feel very flustered.

Ashley: Well good morning, little fella!

Ashley's booming voice caused you to jump violently. Ashley gasped in surprise and embarrassment, putting her hand over her mouth.

Ashley: I'm so sorry about that, I didn't mean to startle you… especially this early. How did you sleep?

Y/N: I slept well.

Ashley: Good, I'm gonna get dressed now.

Ashley got up and went into her changing room. When she came out, she was in the same clothing she was wearing last night. She then walked up to you and bent downwards, her smiling face beaming over you.

Ashley: Now let's get something to eat.

Ashley put her open hand out for you to climb on to. Once you did, she got up and went into her kitchen to fix up some breakfast. As she walked, you kept your focus on her lips, waiting to see if you would get another chance to see inside. Ashley noticed this and wondered what was going on in your head.

Ashley: What is it you're so interested in?

Y/N: Um… nothing.

Ashley: Really… I don't think so, but I'll buy it for now.

Ashley huffed and went about getting some cereal. Bringing the filled bowl to the table and putting it down near you, she began to eat it in a most messy manner. She scooped the cereal and milk with her spoon and shoved it into her mouth. She would then chew it loudly with her mouth open, allowing you to see the cereal being destroyed inside the maw. Admittedly, seeing the chewed food was a little gross to you, but seeing inside Ashley's mouth while she ate was truly incredible.

Unfortunately, you stared one minute too long, and Ashley caught you in the act. She hasn't quite figured out your secret, but she was beginning to pick up on your aims.

Ashley: Are you watching me eat, weirdo?

The words froze your heart to sub zero and you began to breathe incredibly fast.

Y/N: NO!

Ashley: There's no use hiding it, what's going on Y/N?

The hyperventilating was becoming too much for your body to handle, so you took a deep breath and decided to confess to Ashley.

Y/N: Alright Ashley, I'll tell you.

You paused, your heartbeat the only sound in your ears.

Ashley: Okay, tell me then.

Y/N: Ashley… I have a… a… a…

Ashley: You have a what? Blue balls, a Napoleon complex, a dramatic backstory where your parents are dead, what is it?!

Y/N: I have a mouth and vore fetish!

The words brought confusion into Ashley's mind.

Ashley: A mouth and what fetish?

Y/N: A vore fetish.

Ashley: What is vore?

Y/N: You sure you wanna know?

Ashley: Yes, I would! I've never heard of vore in my entire life and I wanna know what it means when you say you have a fetish for it!

You sighed with the weight of a bull elephant seal.

Y/N: Alright, I'll tell you, but I warn you, you probably won't like it.

Ashley: Why wouldn't I?

Y/N: Trust me, most people wouldn't be into it.

Ashley: Well stop dragging it out and tell me already!

Y/N: Okay, okay, I'll tell you.

Once you told her, Ashley was in a state of shock, her mouth kept slightly agape. Just by looking at her face, you could tell that she was having trouble finding the words to describe her feelings.

Ashley: So… um… is there any chance you could show me what this stuff looks like because… I CAN'T FREAKING IMAGINE IT?!

Y/N: Yes, I can… just calm down.

Ashley: Sorry, it's just way too crazy for me to process.

Y/N: Do you have a computer?

Your question prompted Ashley to give you a raised eyebrow.

Ashley: Do I have a computer? What time period do you think you're living in?!

Y/N: Okay… then can you take me to it?

Ashley: Sure.

Ashley put her hand down for you to climb onto before bringing you up to her shoulder. Once you were on, she walked over to the computer and prepared to look into this unique interest of yours.

Ashley: So it's vore you're into?

Y/N: Giantess vore to be precise.

Ashley: Okay then.

Ashley typed the words into her computer and was taken aback by the results.

Ashley: Oh my god! You're actually into this stuff?!!!

You sighed heavily.

Y/N: Yes… unfortunately.

Ashley: You know, I have a habit of assuming that every guy I meet is some kind of weirdo, but you are something new.

Y/N: I know.

Ashley: So I'm assuming you want to act out this fantasy for real and have me eat you, am I correct Y/N?

The words shocked you into a whole new dimension.

Y/N: What makes you think that?

Ashley: Well you're into… this… and you've shrunk down to tiny size.

You were flabbergasted.

Y/N: Hold on a minute Ashley! I didn't shrink down to live out some bizarre fantasy, in fact I don't know how I shrunk down.

Ashley: Okay sorry, just busting your chops. Also, you've been staring at my mouth nonstop, and you've probably taken a quick trip inside while I was asleep.

Y/N: I guess you're right… Wait, how would you know if I did that?

Ashley: Shh! One thing at a time Y/N. Do you want to act it out for real?

You sighed heavily again.

Y/N: Yes Ashley, I would love to do that with you.

Ashley: With me, you say?

Y/N: Can we just do this already?

Ashley: Sounds like someone's in a hurry. I'll take you into the bedroom and I'll send you on your fantastic voyage.

Ashley got up from her chair and walked into the bedroom to send you on your journey.

Resident Evil Vore: A Fleshy Sanctuary in Ashley GrahamWhere stories live. Discover now