A Dream Come True

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As Ashley walked into her bedroom and sat on her bed, she raised her hand up to her shoulder for you to jump on.

Ashley: Are you ready for this?

You: Absolutely!

You moved carefully onto her palm, standing firmly and balanced. Ashley then brought her hand level with her face and straightened herself up for the events to come. The excitement was building up inside of you. Even now, you just couldn't believe that you were finally about to be eaten by a kind, beautiful woman.

Ashley looked down at you in her palm and prepared to act out her intentions.

Ashley: Y/N, I can't guarantee that I can keep you safe. There's a good chance that you won't come out of this unscarred… or at all. Are you sure you want to go through with this?

Y/N: There is not a doubt in my mind Ashley. I'm willing to risk anything and everything to do this.

Ashley gave a heavy sigh, flooding you with a wave of warm air.

Ashley: Tell me that you won't change your mind and want out once I go through with this and I'll do it, got it?

Y/N: I won't change my mind and want out once you go through with this!

You stood there smiling before Ashley pinched your body by the shoulders with her other hand and raised you slightly above her lip level.

Ashley: Alright, in you go.

Ashley slowly opened her mouth wide with a great, deep "AAAAHHHH!" Almost immediately, your jaw dropped at the sight before you. The same gorgeous maw you had crawled into last night now lay wide open before you with a plush looking tongue laying down on the floor, shining teeth lining the oral cavity and a gaping throat in the back from which a large, juicy uvula hung about. You were so hypnotized by the sight that you didn't bother to notice the large tongue extending out to catch you.

Ashley released her grip on your body, allowing it to fall lifelessly down onto the tongue below. Upon impact, you were filled with a pleasant sensation from the muscle's softness and you began to caress it as you had done before. This earned a giggle from the giant blonde as she pulled her tongue back into her mouth. Once she shut her jaws, she wasted no time in tossing you around with her fleshy tongue. You had practically no control over your body as the giantess pushed you across her wet tongue, tossing you side to side between her cheeks. The sound of saliva emitted inside the mouth in a very choppy manner. All the while, she sucked on your puny body with such force that it nearly took the wind out of you.

You were having such a blast being played with inside Ashley's mouth, and you were just as excited for what came next. While Ashley had been twirling you about on her tongue during her mouthplay, you had been inching ever so slowly towards her throat, something the massive girl had taken notice of.

Ashley: Well I can tell that you wanna be swallowed. Are you definitely sure you want to go through with this?

Y/N: Ashley, don't worry if you accidentally digest me. This is all I could have ever wanted in life, I'd be able to go in peace.

Ashley gave a heavy sigh, causing a rush of warm breath to blow across your body and making you shiver.

Ashley: If I didn't know any better, Y/N, I'd say you want me to digest you. I'll let you know when I start considering that option.

Ashley used her tongue to push you towards her open throat. She lowered the back of her tongue to reveal the dark drop into her esophagus, which filled you with adrenaline. Your heartbeat continued to intensity as you stared straight into the abyss, which constantly flexed up and down as it awaited your entry. The mighty uvula retracted upwards to allow an easy fall. She straightened you to ensure she didn't choke, positioning you head first down the shaft, before she threw her head back and swallowed you with a loud, wet "GLUCH!"

Your heart tightened and your breath pulled from your lungs when you felt the force of the throat muscles swallowing you. Ashley didn't have to exert much energy to send you down her dark, wet gullet.

Ashley: Huh, I thought that would be a lot harder.

The slimy walls gripped your body as you hung upside down in her throat. Ashley grunted a bit as she felt your shape slide slowly down in the form of a small bulge in her neck. She then gave another powerful swallow to send you rippling down her esophagus. She bit her lip hard as she felt you slip past behind her chest.

Ashley: Oh boy, I really felt that. Even at 2 inches, Y/N doesn't go down easy.

Each contraction of Ashley's esophagus pushed you down towards her stomach with incredible force, the wet tube hugging your body tightly. Every squish and squelch echoed crystal clear in your ears, along with the giantess' heartbeat and breathing. It was all such a surreal experience traveling down the gullet, but an amazing one nonetheless. Your dream state was so deep that you were taken off guard when the sphincter opened up to drop you into Ashley's stomach. Splashing into the acidic sea below, Ashley was surprised by the force of your fall.

Ashley: Woah, that felt pretty rough! I hope Y/N is okay.

You rose slowly from the stomach acid as you marveled at Ashley's dark, damp stomach. The fleshy walls shifted and flexed as the digested remains of her breakfast were thrown around and broken down further. Near deafening groans erupted from seemingly out of nowhere as the gut did its business. The pool of digestive juices swayed like the sea as the entire chamber shifted constantly. This was the stomach of an actual, living human being, and you couldn't believe it. Never in your entire life did you think that you'd be able to experience this with your own eyes with someone that didn't just want a quick snack.

Y/N: WOW! This is incredible.

The stomach suddenly shifted as Ashley patted her belly, chuckling happily to herself.

Ashley: You like what you see?

Y/N: Yes I do, in fact it's incredible.

Ashley: I'm glad to hear that. Does that mean you're not gonna chicken out of this whole thing?

Y/N: Well, I mean, if I do it'll be because I've had my fun in your mighty gut.

Ashley: Fair enough then. Spend as much time as you like in my gut and let me know when you wanna come out, okay?

Y/N: You got it!

As you casually kicked back in the stomach acid, you wondered if you had any invincibility to the destructive substance. You assumed that you wouldn't have to worry about it, but a part of you was concerned that you were wrong and that you'd be digested as you relaxed inside Ashley's stomach. Ultimately, you put faith in your ability to resist the stomach acid and allowed yourself to take in all the sounds of the stomach.

On the outside, Ashley rubbed her stomach, content with your happiness, standing up from her bedside and going about her day. All the while, she made sure to keep your residence in her stomach fresh in her head so as not to forget about you and accidentally digest you. But, of course, there would be no need to worry about that happening… right?


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